Apart from being a complement to dishes, here are the benefits of leeks for health, preventing cancer
TRIBUNKALTIM.CO Aside from being a complement to dishes, here are the benefits of leeks for body health, preventing cancer
Besides being able to taste the dish, leeks are also nutritious for health.
Quoting from Webmd, 15 grams of chives has only 32 calories, less fat, and zero cholesterol.
Leeks also have a lower sugar content when compared to other vegetables such as carrots.
You can consume green onions by mixing them in stir-fries, soups, or stir-fry and make it as a complement to the dish.
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1. Rich in fiber
120 grams of leeks can meet 10 percent of the body’s daily fiber needs.
The fiber content can keep you full longer.
In addition, cholesterol levels can also be well controlled, so that you will indirectly avoid heart disease and diabetes.
2. Prevent coughs and colds