Able to treat acne, here are 8 benefits of aloe vera for the face
KONTAN.CO.ID – The benefits of aloe vera for the face have made it one of the ingredients used for making cosmetics. The world cosmetic industry uses aloe vera massively for their products.
Aloe vera or aloe vera is a type of plant with short stems and has thick green leaves that store water in the leaves. This green plant is best known for treating wounds on the skin.
Each aloe leaf contains slimy tissue that stores water, and makes the leaves thick. The water content is a bit concentrated so it is often associated with the gel that is the hallmark of aloe vera products.
Aloe vera gel contains most of the beneficial bioactive compounds, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants.
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8 Benefits of aloe vera for the face
Summarized from Medical News Today and, here are 8 benefits of aloe vera for the face:
1. Soothes sunburned skin
Aloe vera contains compounds called polysaccharides that promote skin repair and the formation of new skin cells.
Aloe vera also contains a pain reliever called carboxypeptidase. That’s why aloe vera can soothe sunburned skin.
2. Relieves skin inflammation
Aloe vera contains compounds acemannan, which suppresses skin inflammation.
However, be sure to do a patch test before applying aloe vera to inflamed skin. This is because aloe vera can cause allergic contact dermatitis in some people.
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