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8 Benefits of Learning Photography for Children

“Can you?”, “Are you still small?”

Better ignore all these doubts, Ma. Photography is not only an adult hobby. You can also start introducing him to this hobby.

Many people think that photography is one of the expensive hobbies and requires special skills. You need to thank smart phones and tablets that offer camera features. This technology will help your children to be able to take pictures earlier.

You can count on it to introduce the world of photography to children. If you do have a professional camera and feel that your little one is able and safe to operate it, then there’s nothing wrong with letting it take control.

Learning photography has many benefits for children, including:

1. Increase Self Confidence
Diana Nazareth, lifestyle photographer from Toronto, Canada, who opened a photography workshop class for children said that by learning photography, children will be able to convey their voices and views on things in a different way. Photos can represent what they want to say and this can certainly increase children’s confidence.

2. Practicing Planning Skills
Learning photography can train children’s planning skills. Children can practice preparing when and where to prepare with the camera if they want to capture certain moments. Photography teaches them to be ‘on time’ because once a moment is missed, they cannot capture it.

3. Train Presentation Skills
After taking pictures, children can tell their photos. They will practice presenting their shots to others.

4. The more creative
Children can also be more creative. They can play with angle and arrange the objects themselves to be photographed. Children have the opportunity to communicate their ideas, thoughts, and feelings

5. Build Communication
When it comes to taking pictures, children are very likely to meet new people. This is where their communication skills are trained, from asking permission to take pictures to even giving directions to the subject they want to photograph.

6. Understanding Technology
The camera lens can be likened to the lens of our eye. However, the camera provides more. The camera provides features zoom which is able to capture objects in more detail without having to get close, this is certainly an ability that our eyes don’t have. Apart from that, play with features like fish eye would also be great fun for kids. If you don’t have a professional camera, your little one can also take advantage of smart phones and tablets that have camera features.

7. Get closer to nature
Children can be released in nature with the camera and unite to get beautiful images.

8. Stress Relief
School 5 days a week leaves children tired and vulnerable to stress. Going for a walk in the park taking pictures of the surroundings will ease their tense minds.

So, what are you waiting for, let’s start taking your little one to explore a camera or cellphone!

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