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4 Benefits of Gardening for Those of You who are Perfectionists

Studies have shown that being outdoors can relieve tension and ultimately improve your mental health. Now, if you are a very perfectionist person, there is nothing wrong with taking up gardening as a new hobby.

Doing green outdoor activities, apart from being refreshing for you, can also have a positive impact on reducing your perfectionism. At least that’s what was meant by Seth J. Gillihan, PhD., teaching assistant clinical psychology at the University of Pennsylvania Department of Psychiatry, USA.

Perfectionists usually have a problem with always setting targets that are almost unreasonable to achieve. In addition, when faced with failure, they tend to be extremely sad and disappointed. In addition, they also find it difficult to accept help from others. They judge other people’s work to be wrong if it is not in accordance with the way they work and the results they think are right.

So how gardening can be a good choice for perfectionists according to Gillihan?

Removing “Nothing Uncertain”
People who tend to be perfectionists avoid uncertainty. They always try to keep all in the certainty to achieve the perfect result. Therefore, perfectionists are very good at devising plans. Unfortunately, they generally only have one way. If they don’t succeed in this way, then they consider themselves to be failures.

In gardening, no matter how much you plan, of course, nothing is certain. There are many factors that you cannot predict, such as insect infestation, long dry season, continuous rain or starving rats. “Given the lack of control we have, gardening can be a good antidote to perfectionism,” he stressed Gillihan.

Practicing Acceptance
Gillihan explains that a large part of our suffering comes from trying to control things we can’t do. “The more we can accept the limits of our control and the unpredictability of life, the more peace of mind we can find. Gardening is a great way to practice, “he said.

People with perfectionist tendencies will continue to learn to accept imperfection and accept what they cannot control such as weather factors, pest attacks, etc. as previously written.

Learn from Failure
People with perfectionist tendencies generally over-respond to failure. They may become very disappointed and dare not try again. However, gardening offers one mindset new, namely that you must learn from failure. You may learn that the gardening method you are using today is not suitable or that the fertilizer you are using is not suitable so that you can improve it later.

Reduces Stress
Perfectionists are very easily stressed by the unreasonable standards they create for themselves. It is not surprising that they are prone to stress. Spending time gardening can be an effective way to relieve stress. The green scenery, the cool morning air, the sun, and the smell of the earth can all help relieve all these stresses.

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