7 Benefits of Kersen Leaves, One of Them Lower Cancer Risk
Thursday, 11 February 2021 – 06:20 WIB
Fruit illustration. Photo: Pixabay
jpnn.com, JAKARTA – IS Have you ever tasted a small red fruit whose shape reminds you of a cherry?
Yes, the fruit is none other than cherry fruit. At a glance, they look similar to cherries, but they are two different fruits.
This tree has small, sweet red fruit when ripe and contains various health benefits.
The following is the explanation, as reported by the Genpi.co page.
1. Lowering the risk of cancer
One of the benefits of kersan leaves is to reduce the risk of cancer.
This is because cherry leaves contain tannins, flavonoids and saponins which are anti-oxidant compounds, so they can ward off cancer-causing free radicals.
2. Anti-inflammatory
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