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Jokowi Explains the Benefits of Tukul Pacitan Dam, Can Plant 2 Times of Rice

Previously, President Joko Widodo or Jokowi would inaugurate the Tukul Dam, Pacitan, East Java, on Sunday, February 14, 2021. This dam is the first reservoir to be built in Pacitan Regency.

Quoted from the website of the Committee for the Acceleration of Priority Infrastructure Provision (KPPIP), Sunday (14/2/2021), the Tukul Dam was built with a total investment value of Rp 674 billion. The source of funds for this development is purely the State Budget (APBN).

The person in charge of this project is the Ministry of PUPR as a project multiyear whose construction plan began in 2013. It is targeted that the construction of this reservoir can be completed in 2016 but then postponed until 2020.

The dam will have a capacity of 8.68 M3 and is expected to irrigate 600 Ha of land. This dam is capable of providing a raw water supply of 0.35 M3 per second. In addition, this reservoir will also be equipped with a power plant with an electricity capacity of 0.64 MW.

This dam project activity was carried out by PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) under the supervision of PT Mettana (JO) Anugerah Kridaparadana.

Like other infrastructure projects, the main problem in the construction of the Tukul Dam is land acquisition. Quoted from the Brantas Abipraya page, this development should have been completed in 2016. However, due to the long process of land acquisition, this project was rescheduled and targeted for completion in 2020.

To note, the land acquisition for the dam covering an area of ​​77 hectares has just been completed in 2016 and major physical construction has been carried out immediately. Previously, physical construction had been carried out but it was in the form of minor development, namely only construction of access roads.

In addition, the challenge of developing this reservoir is a topography problem. One of the difficulties of the Tukul Dam, the topography is so steep that it requires extra careful work. In addition to being steep, the rock in the inlet is easy to sleking or if it is excavated, the air and water when they unite make the rocks rot quickly.

In 2020, the construction process of the Tukul Dam construction has been completed and the initial filling process is immediately carried out, namely by closing the evasion channel to stem the flow of the Telu River.