– Everyone wants to have healthy skin, tend to be moisturised and avoid acne problems. It’s no wonder that a variety of skin care products appear on the market with the various advantages offered. The price is relatively more expensive when compared to using natural ingredients that are around us. If you want to save money but stay healthy, there’s nothing wrong with choosing the natural way.
One of the natural ingredients that has long been known for its good properties for maintaining healthy skin is kencur. The content of antioxidants, vitamin B1, vitamin C, and vitamin E is believed to protect the skin from exposure to harmful free radicals. Thus, the skin is better protected and prevents premature aging.
If you are starting to be interested in making kencur as a natural ingredient to care for the health and beauty of your skin. So, consider the following information about the 6 benefits of kencur for skin health, helping acne to prevent premature aging. has been summarized through and klikdokter.
1. Overcome Acne
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The first benefit of kencur for skin health is that it can help overcome acne. Kencur is more or less useful for preventing hormones that can cause acne to grow. Kencur is also highly recommended for consumption for women who are menstruating because menstruation can sometimes cause the rapid growth of acne on the face.
Kencur can also treat acne that appears on the skin. Its anti-inflammatory properties can kill acne-causing bacteria. Kencur is rich in minerals that nourish the skin. Applying it to the face or consuming it regularly can prevent acne and smooth the skin naturally.
2. Maintain Moisture and Supple Skin
The next benefit of kencur for skin health is that it can maintain skin moisture and elasticity. How to get these benefits is fairly easy, you only need to make kencur rice a face mask that you use regularly and regularly.
Apply the kencur rice mask all over the face, let stand for 10 minutes, wash off with warm or plain water, then dry with a soft towel.
3. Brighten Skin
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The benefits of kencur as a natural herbal ingredient have been a hereditary ingredient for Indonesians. Not only is it present as a body freshener herb, kencur can also brighten the face. Kencur is also a source of antioxidants that are beneficial for skin health.
The most famous kencur lightening recipe is the kencur rice mask. Simply prepare 2 tablespoons of rice, water and two segments of kencur. Soak the rice and mash with kencur and water. Strain the kencur rice water then let stand a few moments until it settles. After getting this sediment, discard the water and use the kencur rice sediment as a mask.
4. Controlling Oil on the Face
The next benefit of kencur for skin health is to control oil on the face. We all know that oily faces can cause dullness and increase the risk of developing acne. As a solution for oily faces, you can try a kencur rice mask to make your skin free from excess oil.
5. Prevents Premature Aging
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The content of vitamin B1, vitamin C, vitamin E, ferulic acid and alatonin owned by kencur are believed to reduce wrinkles on the face and prevent premature aging. Apart from consuming it as a herbal drink, you can also use it as a face mask. Use it regularly to get maximum benefits for the skin.
6. Skin Tightening
Apart from reducing wrinkles on the face and preventing premature aging, consuming kencur or applying it as a mask can also be beneficial for skin tightening. You can make your own kencur rice mask at home, because the steps are very easy to follow.
Mix kencur with rice that has been soaked overnight, puree in a blender, and apply evenly on the face. After drying, rinse thoroughly. Do it regularly to get taut facial skin.