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5 Benefits of Swimming for Children, Prevent Obesity to Exercise Balance


Swimming is a fun activity that is popular with various groups. Not only adults, children also like this one water sport.

Generally, children like to play with water, Mother. Because, playing water can make them happy. Therefore, children may be more motivated to do swimming activities.

In addition, teaching children to swim has its own benefits for their growth and development. Quoted from the page Livestrong, teaching children to swim and encouraging them to swim regularly can provide significant benefits to their health and safety.

Teaching swimming can begin before they are one year old, Mother. Do all the learning activities in a playful atmosphere. Sometimes, some children may feel scared when they see the huge pool of water in front of them.

This then makes the children not dare for fear of drowning. The point is how to make them feel comfortable when in the water.

Benefits of swimming for children

Swimming is the best way for children to explore and interact with the conditions around them. Given the importance of this sport, mothers need to teach children to swim to support their growth and development in order to run optimally.

Quoted from various sources, as for the following benefits of swimming, including:

two asian little girls having fun to swim in swimming pool togetherThe benefits of swimming for children / Photo: iStockphoto

1. Teach security

In activities such as swimming, you always pay attention to your little one’s safety. Not even a few children are at risk of drowning.

According to American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), drowning is the leading cause of death in children and toddlers. Most cases of drowning in children under 4 occur in swimming pools.

Therefore, teaching children to swim from an early age is a preventive step to arm them with the correct technique. In addition, children will also get valuable experiences in the water.

2. Train the limbs

Swimming activities often involve every member of the body that requires children to use their arms and legs to move.

For example, backstroke techniques are useful for training the shoulders and upper back muscles, so that they can improve ideal posture or breaststroke which is useful for training the biceps, triceps, and chest muscles.

According to Brian Wright, a professor of kinesiology from DePauw University, swimming is a comprehensive exercise, because it involves the whole body.

“When swimming, you will use a large segment of the upper and lower body,” Wright said as quoted from the Insider page.

Thus, the correct swimming movements will help tone the body muscles in children.

3. Increase self-confidence

Swimming can also improve mental and emotional health, thereby affecting the child’s level of self-confidence.

Physical activity, such as swimming, on a regular basis is associated with reduced levels of psychological stress and improved mood. Based on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Americans have found that people who exercise for longer periods of time tend to improve their overall mood.

This is great for relieving their stress and anxiety. In addition, a study entitled Baby Swimming: Exploring the Effects of Early Intervention on Subsequent Motor Abilities 2010 showed that children who learned to swim between the ages of 2 months and 4 years were found to be more adaptable to new situations.

So it is more confident and independent than those who are not at all.

4. Improve coordination and balance

Compared to other sports, swimming allows children to increase their strength and flexibility. This sport can improve coordination and balance.

Children are required to perform synchronous movements of their entire body, from arms to legs. Not to mention adjusting the breathing pattern when swimming.

A study entitled Swimming Lessons for Infants and Toddlers in 2003, found that swimming lessons can help improve children’s behavior as they grow.

The study did not say why children who received swimming lessons behaved better outside the pool, but how they were trained to listen to instructions before getting into the water and asked to follow them.

5. Good for health

Swimming is an excellent cardiovascular or physical exercise for improving heart and lung health, increasing strength and flexibility, increasing stamina, and even improving balance and posture.

In addition, this exercise is a way to prevent obesity in childhood. According to American College of Sports Medicine’s Guidelines for Exercise Prescription, the recommendation for sustainable weight loss is 60-90 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical exercise each day.

See also Mother, is it true that swimming can make children get high fast? on the following video:

[Gambas:Video Haibunda]

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