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5 benefits of napping that you should not miss

KONTAN.CO.ID – Unlike young children, many adults do not take naps anymore. In fact, there are many benefits of taking a nap that you can get.

Just take a nap for 10 to 20 minutes to get the maximum benefits. Well, here are the benefits you can get from napping:

According to a study, regular naps can improve memory performance. However, make sure not to do this activity for more than 20 minutes.

Therefore, naps of more than 20 minutes do not provide many benefits. In fact, you will feel lightheaded from taking too long a nap.

A study published in Journal of Applied Physiology showed, the risk of death from heart decreased by 37%. Therefore, naps can reduce cardiovascular stress or stress.

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Quoting from Sleephugger, taking a nap is useful for increasing creativity. Not only that, memory usage and cognitive processes can improve after you regularly nap for enough time.

Do you often feel anxious? One of the ways you can overcome this problem is to take regular naps.

Research from the University of Berkeley shows that napping can make a person calmer.

You need to take longer naps, which is 90 minutes. The study showed that taking a nap that long could make study participants less irritable in the afternoon.

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Another benefit of napping, launch Sleephugger, is someone’s determination or willingness to increase. When you don’t get enough sleep, your brain gets distracted easily.

As a result, you cannot fully concentrate on completing work. Well, you can take a nap to overcome this.

Apart from restoring one’s focus and willpower, naps can also reduce stress and improve one’s mood.

Editor: Belladina Biananda