4 Benefits of ginseng that you can get
KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Ginseng is a natural ingredient that is often used in traditional medicine. Each variant of ginseng has different compounds. However, the benefits of ginseng can still be felt in the body if you consume it regularly.
Healthline (healthline.com) says that there are two important compounds contained in ginseng, namely ginsenoside and gintonin. These two compounds make the ginseng plant useful for maintaining your body’s health.
Ginsenoside is useful for preventing inflammation in the body and increasing the antioxidant capacity in cells. This means that oxidative stress that causes various diseases can be avoided properly.
It doesn’t stop there, there are still many uses of ginseng that are beneficial for the body. Starting from improving brain function, the body’s immune system, preventing the growth of cancer cells, overcoming fatigue, and so on.
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Improve Brain Function
A study involving 30 participants showed that ginseng can improve a person’s brain function. The participants took 200 mg of ginseng for four weeks. As a result, their mental health and mood or feelings get better.
This is because the content of ginseng helps cells to absorb blood sugar better so that mental fatigue can be reduced. However, more research is still needed to really prove this.
Increase the Immune System
The benefits of ginseng are then useful for increasing your body’s immune system. Quoting from Healthline, people who take ginseng have a disease-free chance of up to 35% for five years after surgery.
Prevent Cancer Cell Growth
Preventing the growth of cancer cells is the next benefit of ginseng that you can get. As has been said, the ginsenoside present in ginseng reduces inflammation and increases the amount of antioxidants in cells.
This content is also able to prevent the production and growth of abnormal cells that have the possibility of causing cancer. A review of several studies showed that those who took ginseng had a 16% lower risk of cancer.
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Overcoming Fatigue
You can use ginseng to overcome fatigue and increase your energy. The benefits of ginseng have been proven through various studies. One of them is a study involving 364 cancer patients who experience fatigue.
After consuming 2,000 mg of ginseng regularly in eight weeks, they experienced less fatigue. Not only that, a review of 155 studies shows that ginseng supplements can increase a person’s physical activity.
Editor: Belladina Biananda