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3 benefits of water spinach for children's health

Although according to the myth of kale it can make people who eat it drowsy, in fact, the nutritional content of kale is able to meet fiber intake and a number of vitamins and minerals. So, no need to be afraid of giving kale to your little one, Ma.

There are two types of water spinach that are often found on the market, namely ground water spinach and water spinach. Water spinach has broad leaves and purplish flowers, while land kale leaves are smaller and have whitish flowers. The nutritional content in kale is very good for children, namely vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, iron, calcium, and phosphorus. No wonder that kale is also able to provide many benefits for children’s health.

Also read: Vegetable Water Spinach Cooking Tips

Prevent anemia
Anemia can also attack children, making them often dizzy, look tired, and lethargic. Not only that, anemia also interferes with children’s growth and development. Kale contains iron which helps the formation of red blood cells.

Healthy eyes
Kale is also a friend for your little one’s eyes, because it contains vitamin A which can help maintain stable vision. This is due to the content of beta-carotene which is useful in increasing visual acuity.

Prevent diabetes
The risk of diabetes in children can be reduced by consuming kale. According to research, kale extract is useful as a diabetes drug because it helps the absorption of blood sugar.

Also read: 7 Selected Recipes So That Children Want To Eat Vegetables

Photo: Fotosearch