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These are the benefits of napping for children's intelligence

In fact, children who regularly take naps will remember new words better than children who do not take naps. This was revealed from research conducted by the University of Arizona, USA, recently. In the study, some 3-year-olds were asked to take a nap after learning new words, while others didn’t take a nap. Researchers then tested the toddlers’ word comprehension 24 hours later.

Also read: Take the child to nap

As a result, children who took naps had a better understanding. The nap time needed is only about 1 hour, not too long. Just closing your eyes for a few hours regularly can improve children’s language skills.

Also read: Children having trouble taking a nap? This is the solution!

Your child never takes a nap? Don’t worry, Ma. According to researchers, the most important thing is the total length of sleep for children on that day. Preschoolers should sleep 10-12 hours of sleep, either at night alone, or a combination of nighttime and daytime sleep. Sleep time in children is also known to increase growth hormone.

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