Palm sugar illustration. © Sane Sehat – Almost every food or drink requires sugar to add a sweet taste. Usually, people use two types of sugar as a food sweetener, namely sugar and palm sugar. Although the function is the same, the content and taste of the two sugars are slightly different.
White sugar or granulated sugar is generally made from crystallization of sugarcane and has a large number of calories. Meanwhile, palm sugar is usually made from sap or fig and has fewer calories.
Launch from Bold Sky, palm sugar is much healthier than granulated sugar. This is because the calorie content in palm sugar is much less. In addition, palm sugar also has important ingredients such as vitamin C, vitamin B1, folic acid, and iron that the body needs. Therefore, consuming palm sugar regularly and regularly can maintain endurance and prevent various diseases.
So, what are the benefits of palm sugar for body health? Check out the reviews that reported from Bold Sky the following.
Relieves Stress

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The many daily routines that we have to do sometimes make the atmosphere tense, unsettled, and often cause stress. If this condition is not treated promptly, it can increase the risk of depressive disorders. One alternative way to overcome this condition is brewing a drink with palm sugar added.
The benefits of palm sugar can relieve stress because this sweetener is able to stimulate the happy hormone in the body. In addition, the palm sugar content also functions effectively to reduce brain tension. So that by adding palm sugar to the drink you like helps release tension in the body which often triggers stress.
Overcoming Low Blood
The next benefits of palm sugar can overcome low blood pressure. Someone who has low blood pressure will usually experience symptoms of dizziness, lightheaded eyes, and often feel lethargic. This condition if not treated immediately can cause dangerous diseases such as brain and heart damage.
One alternative way to deal with low blood pressure is by consuming food or drinks with added palm sugar. When consuming this sweetener, glycogen in the liver will be transferred to the hypothalamus. This will affect brain performance and heart rate, so that it can increase blood pressure so that you can continue your activities optimally.
Relieves menstrual pain
Almost all women have experienced pain before menstruation. This condition is due to muscle contractions in the uterus caused by the hormone prostaglanindin. The pain increases when a person approaches menstruation.
The pain before menstruation can be overcome in various ways, one of which is consuming food or drinks with added palm sugar. The content of flavonoids in palm sugar works effectively to relieve pain during menstruation.
Increase Immunity

The benefits of palm sugar that are no less important are increasing immunity. A person who has a low immune system will easily get disease.
Conversely, people who have strong immunity will avoid various diseases. One way to increase the body’s immune system is to consume palm sugar.
The content of important nutrients in palm sugar plays an important role in maintaining the body’s digestive system. In addition, this nutritional content also functions to effectively improve all growth processes in the body.
Increase Energy
Another benefit of palm sugar is that it can increase energy. When the body feels sluggish and lacks enthusiasm when going through your daily routine, consuming brown sugar is the right solution to keep your body fit again. Palm sugar is rich in carbohydrates which are believed to be able to contribute energy to the body.
When a person consumes this sweetener, its presence will be converted into glycogen which will later be stored in muscles which function to contribute to the body to be strong in various activities. In addition, this content also functions effectively when needed by other networks.
Lose weight
Obesity or being overweight is a disease that many people experience. One of the alternative ways to prevent obesity is consuming palm sugar. The reason is, palm sugar has high levels of potassium which can function to help lose weight.
In addition, the bioactive content in brown sugar also plays an important role in preventing metabolic disorders. Consuming palm sugar regularly and regularly can function effectively to prevent obesity and prevent you from other dangerous diseases.
Prevents Free Radicals

© / Sebastian Kaulitzki
The next benefits of palm sugar can prevent free radicals. If free radicals in the body are not balanced with antioxidants, they can cause various chronic diseases in the body, such as hypertension to heart disease.
One alternative way that can be done to ward off free radicals is to consume palm sugar. This is because palm sugar contains compounds that function as antioxidants so that they can help ward off free radicals in the body. So that consuming palm sugar regularly can ward off free radicals.
Palm sugar also functions effectively for digestion. This is because palm sugar contains fiber which plays an important role in digestion. In addition, the inulin content in palm sugar also plays an important role in maintaining intestinal health.
Prevents Premature Aging
One way to prevent premature aging that is quite effective is to consume palm sugar. This is because palm sugar contains antioxidants and B vitamins that can inhibit premature aging. In addition, palm sugar also functions effectively to help protect the skin from various diseases.
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