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7 Health Benefits of Peaches

You may be familiar with peaches. Apart from its unique and refreshing taste, peaches also have health benefits, ranging from maintaining endurance to preventing premature aging.

Peaches (peach) or what is known by the Latin name Prunus persica (L.) estimated to have originated in China more than 8000 years ago. This drupe has thin, fluffy skin, and yellowish orange flesh. Apart from being consumed directly, peaches can also be processed into juices, jams, cakes, and various other interesting dishes.

7 health benefits of peaches - alodokter

Nutritional Content in Peaches

Peaches are rich in nutrients that are good for health. One of the main ingredients of this sweet fruit is vitamin C. In addition, peaches also contain other nutrients, including:

  • Calories
  • Fat
  • Carbohydrate
  • Fiber
  • Protein
  • Potassium
  • Vitamins E and K

Not only that, this fruit also has low sugar levels so it is good for consumption by diabetics.

Various Benefits of Peaches for Health

The following are some of the benefits of peaches for health:

1. Overcoming and preventing various chronic diseases

The antioxidant content in peaches serves to ward off exposure to free radicals that can cause various chronic diseases, such as hypertension and heart disease. In addition, the potassium and fiber content in peaches also play a role in reducing the risk of obesity and diabetes.

2. Maintain eye health

The content of beta carotene, alpha carotene, and beta crytoxanthin contained in peaches plays a role in the formation of vitamin A. Therefore, this fruit is good for maintaining eye health.

3. Increase endurance

Vitamin C contained in peaches also acts as an antioxidant that can increase endurance. In addition, this content also functions to accelerate cell repair and the process of wound healing.

4. Maintain gastrointestinal health

Peaches are rich in fiber, so they can help improve digestion. The good bacteria in the colon will convert fiber into fatty acids which are useful for reducing inflammation in the intestine.

In addition, fiber also keeps you full longer so that it can help you maintain your ideal body weight.

5. Moisturizes the skin and prevents premature aging

Ceramide is the main component in the skin which plays a role in maintaining moisture and protects the skin from irritation and pollution. This component will decrease with age.

Peaches have a high ceramide content, so they can keep your skin moisturized. In addition, vitamin C in peaches also plays a role in preventing premature aging.

6. Prevent bone loss

The high potassium content in peaches plays a role in maintaining bone metabolism and reducing the risk of bone loss.

7. Inhibits the growth and spread of cancer cells

A study shows that the phenolic components in peach extract are proven to inhibit the growth and spread of cancer cells. Other studies have also stated that the content procyanidin, anthocyanins, and quercetin in peach extract can also inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells.

However, this still needs further research to ensure the effectiveness of peaches in treating cancer.

To get the various benefits of peaches, you are more advised to eat fresh peaches than canned peaches. Although more practical, canned peaches generally have added syrup with a high sugar content.

If you have certain medical conditions and want to consume peaches as a daily meal to meet nutritional needs, there is nothing wrong with consulting a nutritionist first to find out the recommended portion.

Written by:

dr. Caroline Claudia