5 Deadliest Effects of Cucumber, From Poisoning to Heart Disease!

5 Side Effects Your Body Will Feel If You Consume Excessive Cucumber
BolaStylo.com – Cucumber which is known to have many benefits and is good for health, has some deadly side effects.
Cucumber is indeed rich in benefits for our bodies if consumed properly.
Cucumber can be used to help diet programs lose weight to make the skin softer and radiant.
Conversely, cucumbers can sometimes even have deadly side effects if consumed in excess.
Moreover, if someone experiences certain conditions that it is not advisable to eat this one fresh vegetable.
Quoted by BolaStylo.com from Grid.id, here are the five deadliest side effects of cucumber.
1. Proven toxic
Cucumber has toxins like cucurbitacins and tetracyclics.
Several studies have proven the content of these two toxins can be life threatening if consumed in excess.
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