12 Health benefits of apricots, similar to peaches
Brilio.net – Apricots are one type of plant that is easy to find in cold regions. Apricots are produced in Indonesia and also exported abroad. Maybe this type of fruit is not very familiar to some people. Apricots are almost the same type as peaches, the color of this fruit is the same as oranges and the flesh of this fruit is yellow and has a sweet taste.
But did you know, apricots have a content that is good enough for health. Apricots contain vitamins A, C, E, K, potassium, copper, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and niacin. No wonder this fruit is much sought after by people considering its vitamin rich content.
So what benefits can be obtained from eating this delicious fruit? Here’s an alert brilio.net from various sources, Thursday (17/7).
1. Prevent cancer.
photo: dailyexcelsior.com
Cancer is a deadly disease and, of course, people will absolutely reject this disease from entering their body. Apricots can be one of the best solutions to prevent cancer. Regular consumption of food will be very good for the body.
2. Prevent anemia.
photo: foxnews.com
Anemia is a deficiency of red blood cells. If you have anemia, it’s a good idea to eat apricots. The content contained in it can help the body prevent and will treat dizziness.
3. Relieves asthma.
photo: medicalnewstoday.com
If you have asthma, apricots can be one type of fruit that you can consume. The reason is this fruit can prevent and relieve asthma well.
4. Healthy eyes.
photo: pixabay.com
The content of vitamin A contained in this fruit can help eye health. The eye is one that really needs to be maintained, regularly eating apricots will provide its own benefits for the eyes.
5. Can control blood pressure.
photo: laboratoryequipment.com
Another benefit of apricots is that they can control blood pressure. Because the content contained in apricots is known to be very good for maintaining and controlling blood pressure.
6. Prevent heart disease.
photo: pixabay.com
Heart disease can affect anyone, if not prevented, it will be very dangerous. Therefore you can prevent it by eating healthy foods. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and eating apricots can be a complement.
7. Maintain healthy bones.
photo: chriskresser.com
Nowadays, bone health problems are not only experienced by adults, many young people also start suffering from bone diseases. So, apricots can be the best solution in overcoming bone problems. You can use apricots to nourish your bones because the calcium content in apricots is very good for bone health.
8. Streamlining defecation (BAB).
photo: lukecoutinho.com
Digestion that is not smooth will be very disturbing and can even discourage someone. It is important for you to eat foods that are high in fiber so that your bowel movements can run smoothly. Apricots also contain fiber, so it really helps to smooth bowel movements.
9. Maintain healthy skin.
photo: pixabay.com
Not only for health, apricot fruit can also be used as an ingredient to nourish the skin. If you eat apricots regularly it can affect the level of skin brightness. Apricots have benefits to lighten the skin from within.
10. Overcoming dehydration.
photo: nortonchildrens.com
Dehydration is a disease that lacks fluids, if not treated it will be very dangerous. Apricots contain minerals that are quite high. It will be very helpful if you eat apricots regularly.
11. Prevent hypertension.
photo: pixabay.com
Hypertension is high blood pressure. As it is known that apricots are a type of fruit that can control blood pressure in the body. Controlled blood pressure will help to avoid hypertension or high blood pressure.
12. As an antioxidant.
photo: pixabay.com
The content of vitamin A in apricots is increasingly beneficial with antioxidant content. The content of antioxidants can ward off free radicals that can lead to various diseases.