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How Can Babies Breathe While Still in The Womb?

Do you have any memories of when you were in your mother's womb? Of course not. That is why the activity of a baby in the womb is interesting to observe. The literature says that the first breath a baby takes is when the baby cries when the baby is born. Then have you ever wondered how babies breathe while they are still in the womb?

Babies breathing in the womb do not use the lungs

The presence of oxygen in a baby's body is certainly as important as oxygen for an adult's body. But the difference is, the baby breathes in the womb not by using his lungs, as in general. The baby's lungs are not even fully developed.

The baby also does not breathe through his mouth or nose, but he fulfills his need for oxygen through the umbilical cord which is connected to his mother's body. The exchange between carbon dioxide and oxygen also occurs in the umbilical cord. In other words, after the mother breathes, the mother's blood which has bound oxygen will flow to the fetus through the umbilical cord until it reaches the fetal heart. Then the baby's heart will pump the oxygen-rich blood throughout the baby's body.

How does the fetus know how to breathe?

When we breathe, we inhale oxygen and give off carbon dioxide. However, babies breathe in the womb by inhaling and expelling amniotic fluid. Even from the age of seven weeks, the fetus has actually made movements in the uterus. The movements and the presence of amniotic fluid are what then train him to breathe.

So, even as long as it is a fetus, the baby breathes in the womb with the help of its mother. After birth, the baby will be able to breathe immediately using his own body. The amniotic fluid that fills his lungs while he is still in the womb will dry out by itself after he is born.

What movements does the baby perform in the womb?

If this is your first pregnancy, you may not feel the movement and development of your fetus after the 16th week or maybe the 18th week. But actually, based on the results of the ultrasound scan, your fetus has made some movements long before that week.

  • At seven to eight weeks of age, the fetus begins its body movements by blinking its eyes.
  • At nine weeks of age, the fetus is able to move its small arms and legs, swallow, and even hiccups. It is the movements at this age that begin to exercise the fetal respiratory system.
  • At ten weeks, from the arms and legs, the fetus is now able to move its head and jaw and direct its hands to touch its face.
  • By 11-16 weeks of age, the fetus is able to use its respiratory system to yawn, move its eyes, and suck its thumb.

The movement of the fetus is gentle at first, then it will become strong enough to make you feel it. At first, you may feel like a small tickle, until eventually, the baby starts pushing, kicking, and even rolling.

When should you immediately see a doctor?

Babies certainly do not always move, there will still be times when they sleep and rest. Over time, you will begin to understand the rhythm of your baby's movements. You just should panic, if:

  • You don't feel at least 10 movements of the baby for two hours.
  • The baby remains motionless even though you stimulate it by making loud noises.
  • There is a decrease in the frequency of your baby's movements over several days compared to his usual rhythm of movement.