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Can You Go on a Diet while Pregnant?

When you are pregnant, you have to provide nutrition to two people, not just yourself. So, you are required to consume extra calories compared to the calories you need before becoming pregnant. But as a woman, you may still have dreads about gaining weight and how you will look in the future. But actually, can you or not, mothers go on a diet while pregnant?

Is the diet allowed during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, adequate nutrition is needed by both you and your developing fetus. So, you are not allowed to try to lose weight through diet while pregnant.

Most of the diet plans will probably not only lose your weight, but also other nutrients that you really need during pregnancy such as folic acid, iron, vitamins, calcium, protein, and other minerals.

What is the ideal weight gain during pregnancy?

Weight gain during pregnancy is often taken as a good sign that you have a healthy pregnancy. However, as reported by the Baby Center, that doesn't mean that you have to eat more.

A study revealed that mothers with overweight during pregnancy will tend to give birth to babies over normal weight and potential complications for both the mother and the baby until finally giving birth by cesarean section or premature baby conditions.

The Institute of Medicine itself recommends that normal weight gain for pregnant women is approximate:

  • If the mother's weight starts with a weight below normal (with a BMI below 18.5), the mother should increase the weight around 12.7 to 18 kg.
  • If the mother's weight starts with a normal weight (with a BMI of 18.5-24.9), the mother should increase the weight of around 11.3 to 15.8 kg.
  • If the mother's weight starts with a weight above normal (with a BMI of 25-29.9), the mother should increase the weight of around 6.8 to 11.3 kg.
  • If the mother's weight starts with obesity (with a BMI above 30), the mother should gain about 5 to 9 kg.

It's different if you are pregnant with twins :

  • If the mother's weight starts with a normal weight, the mother should increase the weight of around 16.7 to 24.5 kg.
  • If the mother's weight starts with a weight above normal, the mother should increase the weight of around 14 to 22.6 kg.
  • If the mother's weight begins with obesity, the mother should increase the weight of around 11.3 to 19 kg. (You can calculate your BMI here )

Then, how should you eat when pregnant?

You can start to try from eating often but small portions. After all, as your pregnancy progresses, there will be less and less room for large portions of food in your stomach. You can start with the following steps:

  • Choose foods that are high in fiber, such as beans, wheat, rice, vegetables, and fruits.
  • Make sure your daily intake also contains enough vitamins and minerals for you and your fetus.
  • Take at least 3 iron-rich servings with a total iron content of approximately 27 mg per day. You can get this iron content in foods such as meat, spinach, and cereals.
  • You need 220 mg of iodine while you are pregnant for the brain and nerve development of your fetus. You can get this iodine in foods such as milk, cheese, yogurt, baked potatoes, salmon, and shrimp.
  • Consume at least 1 food rich in vitamin C (such as oranges, papaya, tomatoes, and strawberries), rich in vitamin A (such as carrots, spinach, and pumpkin) and rich in folate per day.

Small portions will help you to consume foods with a variety of nutrients. With the daily combination roughly includes:

  • 6-11 servings of foods with ingredients such as bread and cereals,
  • 2-4 servings of fruit,
  • About 4 servings of vegetables
  • 4 servings with milk content. Make sure the food you eat contains 1000 to 1300 mg of calcium per day.
  • 3 servings with protein content and
  • We recommend that you consume foods with fat and sweeteners separately.

Tell yourself that you will lose weight in the first few weeks after giving birth. Also, remember that the nutrients you consume are just as important as the weight you gain during pregnancy. Maybe this will ease your worries about gaining weight during pregnancy.