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Recognize the Causes of Itchy Eyes and How to Overcome It

Almost everyone, children and adults, has felt itchy eyes. Then, what exactly causes itchy eyes? Check out the explanation of the causes of itchy eyes, as well as various ways to overcome them.

Itchy eyes or in medical terms referred to as ocular pruritus, often cause discomfort, especially when you are on the move. The appearance of itchy eyes can be caused by many factors, ranging from daily habits to certain medical conditions.

Various Causes of Itchy Eyes

Here are some causes of itchy eyes that you need to know:

1. Allergy

Allergy is the most common cause of itchy eyes. This can occur because the eye is exposed to allergens, such as dust or animal hair, which will trigger tissue in the eyes to release histamine. This release of histamine will cause allergic reactions and one of them is itching.

Itchy eyes due to allergies can also be seasonal, especially for those who live in the subtropical region. Allergies can occur when someone inhales pollen which will usually be scattered in the air in the spring.

2. Irritation

Some people are very sensitive to irritants in the air, such as cigarette smoke, vehicle smoke, burning smoke, or even certain perfumes. When it comes to eyes, irritants can cause red, watery, and even itchy eyes. To prevent this, avoiding irritant exposure is the most effective solution.

 3.  Infection

The eye is quite susceptible to viral, bacterial, or fungal infections, especially if the hygiene is lacking. Examples of common eye infections are conjunctivitis and uveitis. This condition can cause a variety of symptoms, ranging from itchy eyes, eye pain, blurred vision, to sensitivity to light.

4. Dry eyes

Dry eye is a condition when the eyes do not produce enough tears. Dry eyes are generally characterized by symptoms of eyes feeling sore, itchy, and watery. This condition can be caused by aging or the use of certain drugs, such as antidepressants or birth control pills.

5. Blepharitis

Blepharitis is inflammation of the eyelids. This condition is usually caused by an infection. Symptoms arising from blepharitis include swollen, red, itchy eyelids. In addition, blepharitis can also cause the eyelids to release a lot of dry, oily dirt. This can worsen the itching.

In addition to the above conditions, the cause of itchy eyes can also come from daily habits, for example using contact lenses that are rarely cleaned or not replaced regularly. In addition, staring at a cellphone or computer screen for too long can also trigger tired eyes and itchy eyes.

How to Overcome Itchy Eyes

Most cases of itchy eyes are easy to treat. Mild itchy eyes, for example, caused by irritation, can even be treated at home with cold compresses or use over-the-counter eye drops.

However, under certain conditions, itchy eyes sometimes require medication prescribed by a doctor. Some examples are:


Itchy eyes caused by allergies can be treated with antihistamines. This medication can be prescribed in the form of pills or eye drops, depending on the condition of the itchy eyes.

Antibiotics or antivirus

If itchy eyes are caused by an infection, for example in conjunctivitis, the doctor will give antibiotics or antiviral drugs to control the infection. Antibiotic or antiviral medication prescribed by your doctor can be in the form of ointments or eye drops with different doses.

Steroid eye drops

In cases of itchy eyes caused by uveitis or blepharitis, your doctor may prescribe eye drops that contain steroids. This drug works by suppressing the work of the immune system to reduce inflammation that can trigger itching.

The cause of itchy eyes is diverse, some are relatively mild and some are in a severe condition that requires a prescription drug. If you experience itchy eyes, especially those that do not heal and are accompanied by other symptoms that interfere, immediately consult a doctor to get the right treatment.