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Ten appendectomy symptoms you should know

To date, there are still many people who may not be aware of the early signs of appendicitis symptoms. This is because mild appendectomy has symptoms that are almost similar to symptoms of ulcer. That is pain in the lower abdomen.

That is why we should be able to do any early symptoms of the appendix, so that we can treat as early as possible. Because if we are not aware and just let the problem, then do not close the possibility of bigger problems can occur.

What is a appendectomy?

Appendectomy is one type of health disorder that can happen to everyone without age. Appendectomy occurs due to an inflammation in the milk of the appendix or appendectomy. Many factors can cause people to experience appendectomy, ranging from diet and also to unhealthy lifestyles.

In general, when people suffer from appendectomy, the first symptom that is often experienced is pain in the lower abdomen. This condition does look trivial, but if the condition lasts for a long time, it does not close the likelihood of a larger problem occurring.

In some cases, this appendicitis is more often experienced by people aged 10 to 30 years of age. Such conditions may occur due to blockages in the appendix, whether in total or in part. If there has been a thorough blockage then the appendectomy should be eliminated immediately as soon as possible.

Early Appendicitis Symptoms

The most common symptom of patients with appendectomy is pain in the abdomen. Generally, the pain can be sourced from the belly button until the lower part of the stomach. But each person's symptoms can vary and depending on the age of the person experiencing appendectomy. For normal people The pain can occur in the lower abdomen, but if pregnant women experience appendectomy then the pain can be felt in the upper abdomen.

In addition to the pain that occurs in the abdomen, appendicitis also often experience symptoms as follows:

  • Significantly decreased appetite
  • Stomach feeling bloated
  • Difficulty to exhaust gases
  • Nausea and diarrhea
  • High fever

For mild appendectomy, it can be solved by consuming medicines. But if it is severe, then the condition should get more intensive handling such as Operation action. Because if not immediately in operation, an acute appendectomy could be making organs in the body infected.

Characteristics of Appendicitis

In addition to the earliest symptoms above that often occur in patients with appendectomy, in knowing how severe the disease we can see it through the following traits:

1. Lower right stomach ache

The onset of pain in the lower abdomen can be a sign if you are experiencing appendectomy. Usually, pain in the stomach can occur suddenly followed by pain and cramps. This condition occurs because the appendectomy has an inflammation that occurs due to irritation of the stomach lining wall.

If a child suffers from appendectomy, usually the pain experienced in the abdomen will appear and disappear again. Hose in a few hours, the pain begins to move down the stomach.

2. Pain in Navel

Appendectomy can also be identified from the abdominal discomfort near the navel. This discomfort will last long enough before it turns into a pain in the lower abdomen.

3. Nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite

The disease of appendicitis can sometimes affect the digestive system and nervous system. This condition can also make the person feel nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite by drastic.

4. Diarrhea

Not a few of the people suffering from appendicitis are experiencing diarrhea problems. Besides being able to trigger a person's difficulty to exhaust the wind, diarrhea problem can also occur when blockage in the appendix is severe enough.

5. Fever

In addition to the above problems, acute appendectomy can also suffer from a fairly high fever. This fever occurs because the body is fighting against bacteria or viruses that cause infections of the appendix.

Indeed, each person who suffers from appendectomy will experience symptoms that are not the same. For a young child, it is more likely to experience nausea and vomiting. As for pregnant women, symptoms that often occur when suffering from appendicitis are cramps and pain in the upper abdomen. Another with appendicitis in the child, where the pain in his stomach will appear and disappear again for several days.

How to treat Appendicitis

As we already know if surgery is the most major appendectomy and in the medical world it is often called an appendix. Before this surgical procedure is done, usually the patient will be in a suruh to consume antibiotic medication to avoid infection when performing surgery.

There are usually two types of ways to perform this surgical procedure, namely by carlaparoscopy (keyhole surgery) and laparotomy (open surgery). One of these actions will be selected based on the conditions of the patient suffering from the appendectomy itself. However, this laparotomy surgery is more commonly selected by the patient, because the recovery process after surgery is faster.

It is different if the patient has a ruptured appendectomy and becomes an abscess. Because pus contained in the appendix should immediately be remove first before surgery. But the operation can not be done on the day immediately, because it has to wait a few days until the infection is refractive in control.

For those who are finished performing the surgery, it is not recommended once to do the heavy activity for a few weeks. It is also intended for scar surgery to heal in total and to work as it was originally.

Well, that is why if we do not want to be exposed to appendectomy, we recommend always keep the diet every day. So many information that admins can summarize about appendicitis symptoms, hopefully the above information can be useful for all of you. Thanks.