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Here are seven benefits of candlenut for human body health

Hazelnut is one of several types of spices in Indonesia and often used in a dish. This is because Candlenut has an oil content that is able to make the flavor of the dishes we make more delicious. But do you believe that Candlenut has benefits for health?

In a study concluded that the candlenut can not only be processed as a flavoring of cooking, but the hazelnut is also good in curing diseases that are often experienced by humans. This is because Candlenut has a content that is very needed by the human body.

Candlenut Nutritional Content

In English hazelnut is called candlenut that grows lush in tropical climates such as in Indonesia. Hazelnut also has a very complete content of other types of spices such as ginger and turmeric.

Content in 100 grams of candlenut

  • Energy = 473.0 cal
  • Water content = 24.4 ml
  • Fat = 49.9 g
  • Protein = 7.8 g
  • Total carbohydrate = 0.0 g
  • Potassium = 876.0 mg
  • Sodium = 14.0 mg
  • Phosphorus = 1,060.0 mg
  • Calcium = 140.0 mg
  • Magnesium = 410.0 mg
  • Zink = 2.7 mg
  • Iron = 2.7 mg
  • Copper = 6.9 mg
  • Cadmium = 0.1 ug
  • Vitamin B1 = 4.2 mg
  • Vitamin B2 = 0.0 mg
  • Vitamin B3 = 1.3 mg

What are the benefits of hazelnut health?

The complete content in this candlenut makes it beneficial for the health and fertility of hair. But to get the benefits of the hazelnut health, you must know how to properly cultivate the candlenut. Because a little bit you are wrong in processing it, then the candlenut will turn into toxins that are harmful to health.

There are several steps that are mandatory for you to go through when you want to cultivate a hazelnut as a medication. In addition, the seed pecan also not be consumed directly in the raw state, this because the content of the sap in the seeds of candlenut can be a poison that can cause problems in the body such as disorders of the stomach and heart.

You can cultivate candlenut by being roasted, taken oil or processed as a seasoning. So, what are the benefits of candlenut for health? Here's an explanation:

1. Benefits of Candlenut for cardiovascular health

The first benefit of candlenut is to maintain cardiovascular health. This is because some of the content that is in the hazelnut is able to lower high cholesterol levels in the body. In addition Candlenut is also good in assisting the process of lowering the evil cholesterol kada in the blood.

The content in this candlenut is potassium, which has been long since the content is known to have a good efficacy in lowering the risk of high blood. It also affects heart health, as it can minimize excess work on the heart.

2. Benefits of Candlenut to prevent fungal infections

In general, skin problems are often caused by fungal infections such as panu and ringworm. Usually, fungal infections that occur in the skin are not very healthy, but if this condition is only left and happening for a long time, then it does not close the possibility that a bigger problem can occur.

Nowadays, there are many types of drugs to solve the problem of yeast infection on the skin, but not all types of drugs are safe for everyone's skin. So to avoid the bad things happen, you can try to use natural ingredients that are hazelnut oil. Use it regularly to make the results more maximized.

3. Benefits of Candlenut for digestive health

Hazelnut seeds are also one of the spices that has a high fiber content. Where fiber content in candlenuts is able to maintain the health of the digestive system in the body. This fibre content will also prevent the body from experiencing health problems such as diarrhea and other gastrointestinal-related problems.

Therefore, for those of you who may be experiencing or want to prevent them from experiencing the problem, then you can use the seeds of candlenut regularly.

4. Hazelnut Benefits for Diet

The protein content in the hazelnut is very beneficial in helping to build muscle time in the human body. In addition, hazelnut is also very suitable for those who are doing a diet program to lose weight. This is because the proteins in the hazelnut are very good to help burn excess calories that exist in the body. To get the maximum benefit, besides being processed as a spice of cooking, it is better to benefit the grilled hazelnut in a healthy diet program that you are doing.

5. Benefits of Candlenut for bone and joint health

In addition to the above benefits, the content in seed candlenut is also able to provide benefits to prevent the occurrence of swelling in the joints and bones. So you can consume the seeds of candlenut regularly to get maximum results.

6. Candlenut benefits to solve insomnia problems

As we already know that insomnia is a condition where people who experience it will find it difficult to sleep at night. There are many factors that are causing insomnia such as depression, too much thought, excessive fear and also anxiety.

In hazelnut oil there is a content of melatonin that is able to make your body feel more relaxed and it will also make you sleep faster at night.

7. Benefits of Candlenut to treat sick teeth

The benefits of Candlenut for further health is treating toothache. You can make use of genuine hazelnut oil as a natural remedy to overcome the painful tooth. How to take a cotton and cut the original pecan oil sufficiently, then wipe out the tooth that feels sick and avoid to swallow the hazelnut oil.

The benefits of Candlenut for this health you can get if you are right in processing it. Because in fruit, the seeds and trees of candlenuts have toxic content that may be harmful to the health of the body. Therefore, be wise in utilizing natural ingredients as medicine. So many information can be given, hopefully can give a useful information for all. Thanks.