These two FF weapon skins have been released and the damage will cause an auto booyer!
Two amazing new skins have been added to the two Free Fire (FF) weapons.
Free Fire (FF) games have different types of weapons that you can bring into war.
Often, FF weapons are modified to balance each other, such as with additional skins.
Free Fire weapon skins also show the strengths and weaknesses of weapons in general.
You can reduce damage, increase damage, reduce ammo, and make various changes.
With the new skin just released, here are two weapons that can give you crazy buffs:
Also read: How to Get Free FF Diamonds from Elite Pass Season 28!
SKS Hysteria and XM8 Hysteria

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These two weapon skins August 31, 2020 Only available until that day September 6, 2020.
This weapon has a bright purple pattern that is not inferior to other skins.
These two FF weapons change the wearer and inflict extraordinary additional damage.
The SKS Hysteria skin gives this weapon an additional purple aura around the user, making this weapon look cooler.
YouTuber Randy Rangers I’ve tried both of these weapons and the results are amazing.
Read more: FF releases Hayato Fire brand animated film! Very cool!
Judging from how to use these two weapons, the firing rate of these two weapons seems to be very good.

According to Free Fire Youtuber, these two weapons have extraordinary penetration.
Enemies shot with these two weapons are instantly wiped out High penetrationAlso Additional damage And Accuracy It was stable.
Here’s a video of a Rendy Ranger using SKS Hysteria and XM8 Hysteria.
So what do you think? Intriguing with these two weapons, you can get them right away in the Free Fire game before you run out.
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