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The latest Faded Wheel Free Fire (FF) event, Evo Skin AK, is here!

For the player Free fire (FF)You must have heard about Evo Skin, which welcomes us right away.

FF fans are talking a lot about this Evo skin being really too cool with a new animated look.

Everyone can predict that the release of such skins will not reduce the price.

Evo Skin UMP Booyah Day, different from Evo Skin AK Blue Flame Draco It has much more animations and much cooler effects.

And this article will show you how to get this cool AK evo skin. I’ve only talked about the leaked look of this skin for a few weeks now.

Faded Wheel Freewheel (FF) Event!

Faded Wheel Free Fire event changes prizes from Bundle Wildreness Trapper Evoskin AK Blue Flame Draco This cool thing.

Read again: How to get UMP skins at the FF Booyah Day event!

Want to get Diamond MLBB, FF PUBG UC? Join the game now!

This is where you have the opportunity to get this very sturdy blue dragon weapon, of course, with enough diamonds.

start date October 24, 2020 To get this rare item tomorrow, you’ll have to prepare a lot of diamonds.

At this event, players can discard two of the ten prizes offered and spin like a regular wheel event.

From the price 9 diamonds For the first roll, the price will continue to rise if you want to roll again.

Read again: How to get Booyah Day for AUG and AWM with Freefire!

So far, Evo skins can only be obtained this way and there are no signs of an event to re-award Evo skins.

For UMP Booyah Day it’s very easy. You need to log in. Peak day Get the UMP Booyah Day evo skin tomorrow!

Don’t forget to visit SPIN website Follow your account for more information Instagram And Youtube we.