Get 19,999 free Fire Diamonds at this event!
Get 19,999 free fire diamonds at this event! The Friend Callback event is finally back in 2021 with Garena Free Fire.
As you know, Free Fire itself is a battle royale genre game with the most users of 500 million people worldwide. Of course, developers will continue to offer events with very attractive prizes. One is the friend callback event.
The Friend Callback event itself is an event that invites friends who haven’t played Free Fire for a long time to re-invite the game.
So, of course, inviting a friend who has been absent for a very long time to play Free Fire is definitely very annoying.
Therefore, to thank you for your efforts, Galena will offer you up to 19,999 diamond prizes for free if you succeed.
The FFCT website was officially closed in February 2021. The reason is as follows.
Friend Callback Event Rewards
The rewards after completing the mission are as follows.
- Callback 1 Friend: Purple Cobra Box x 1
- Callback 3 Friends: x3 Purple Cobra Box
- Callback to 5 friends: x5 Purple Cobra Box
- Callback to 7 friends: x7 Purple Cobra Box

Of course, these boxes contain attractive prizes such as:
Want to get Diamond MLBB, FF PUBG UC? Join the game now!
- 19,999 diamonds
- x5 cobra token
- x4 cobra token
- x3 cobra token
- x2 cobra token
- x1 cobra token
The Callback Friend event itself will take place tomorrow, February 24th, and will end on February 28th, 2021.
How to call a friend
Select the Friends icon on the Free Fire front page to see all your Free Fire friends
After entering the friends page, select the “Callbacks” tab on the left side of the smartphone screen.
Select a callback option for each of the Friend Callback options
Select a friend to call back in the game,[招待/招待]Click the button to select the platform to use to send the callback message.
You have to wait for your friends to download the game and enter your invitation ID.
If you win, you will receive a purple cobra box with a free gift! For more updates, don’t forget to visit the SPIN website and follow Instagram and Youtube.