5 fatal mistakes for Indonesian gamers to play with us
These are the five fatal mistakes Indonesian gamers often make when playing “Among Us” games.
Among Us, a game currently popular in Indonesia, is an online multiplayer game.
Of course, just by name, you know that the game can be played online, in multiplayer, or with friends.
It’s also very easy to play, you just have to complete the mission and guess who is the scammer (murderer).
Second, the player who becomes the importer only defeats the non-importer players one by one.
In this regard, SPIN Esports offers five common fatal mistakes when playing Among Us.
Our 5 fatal mistakes
1. Caught the murder in front of the crewmate
The ridiculous thing you often do is get involved in a murder in front of a crew member (a non-impersonator).
Of course, you often have to make this mistake because you are not careful when you want to kill the crew.
2. Follow other players
The second mistake is to prefer to follow the movements of other players. We strongly recommend that you do not do this in practice.
The reason is that the players you follow accuse you of being a scammer or just afraid to be alone.
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3. I accidentally pressed the button Discharge
The third mistake of the scammer that this error is ridiculous is that the scammer player accidentally presses the vent button in front of the occupant.
As a result, it was predictable that the crew would accuse the player of being a fraudster.
4. Scammers do not understand the use of sabotage
The next mistake is an in-poster who again doesn’t understand the game’s jamming features.
This feature is supposed to trap the crew trapped in the room, but he is definitely suspected because the scammer is trapped in the room instead.
5. Become a ghost, but keep chatting
The last mistake is a player who was killed by spoofing but hasn’t typed in clearly in the chat feature yet.
Of course, this is very useless, as the crew who are still alive do not read.
It’s better to complete unfinished missions and wait for the game to end when killed by a scammer.
These are the five fatal mistakes among us that Indonesian gamers often make.
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