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You should not miss these 5 benefits of olive oil for hair

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. There are many benefits of olive oil for hair if you use it regularly. The content of fatty acids and antioxidants in olive oil is useful for strengthening hair follicles, soothing the scalp, and stimulating hair growth.

Moisturizes Hair

The pollution you receive on a daily basis not only damages the health of your respiratory system, it also irritates the condition of your hair. As a result, hair becomes dry and damaged. To avoid that, you can use olive oil because it contains natural moisturizers.

Soothes the Scalp

Quoting from Health Shots (healthshots.com), olive oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties which are useful for soothing the scalp. The natural moisturizer in it is also useful for itching due to dry conditions, dandruff, clogged hair follicles.

If left untreated, dandruff and clogged hair follicles can cause hair loss. Therefore, you need to use olive oil for hair regularly so that hair strength is maintained.

Also Read: 5 Benefits of olive oil for health

Reduces Hair Loss

Another cause of hair loss is excessive production of dihydrotestosterone or DHT. DHT is a type of hormone that is associated with excessive hair loss. DHT will attack the hair follicles so that hair strength will be reduced.

Finally, hair loss is inevitable. By using olive oil, DHT production will be reduced so that hair loss is reduced. Hair will grow stronger, healthier and thicker.

Prevent Damage

There are many things that cause hair damage. Starting from pollution, hair dryers or straighteners, hair dyes, or other products made from chemicals. If allowed to damage the hair will get worse.

Olive oil for hair can prevent hair breakage. This is due to the presence of antioxidants in olive oil. Antioxidants will fight free radicals so that hair health will be maintained.

Besides containing antioxidants, Health Shots says that olive oil also has a lot of omega-6 fats. This means that using olive oil will make hair soft and healthy so that it looks more voluminous.

Also Read: 5 basic ways to treat hair so it doesn’t get damaged quickly

Olive Oil Side Effects

Even though it has many benefits, you still need to pay attention to the side effects of olive oil used on hair. Quoting from MBG Lifestyle (mindbodygreen.com), olive oil can clog pores.

If you have a skin type on your chest and back that is prone to acne, you should reconsider if you want to use olive oil. Natural ingredients that will make the appearance of acne worse, especially if the hair is long enough or reaches the back.

Editor: Belladina Biananda