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Wow! These are the benefits of guava for body health

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Guava is a healthy food source that is rich in nutrients.

Guava is low in calories, high in fiber, and contains several important vitamins for the body.

Also Read: Guava leaves, a powerful herbal remedy for lowering cholesterol and other diseases

Launching Medical News Today, the nutritional content in 100 grams of guava fruit include:

  • Calories: 68 kcal
  • Carbs: 14.32 grams
  • Sugar: 8.92 grams
  • Fat: 0.95 grams
  • Fiber: 5.4 grams
  • Potassium: 417 milligrams
  • Vitamin C: 228.3 milligrams
  • Vitamin A: 624 international units (IU)

With a variety of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, the nutrients in guava can provide benefits for the body. Launching Healthline, here are the benefits of guava for health:

1. Improve heart health

Regular consumption of guava can help improve heart health. Experts believe that the high potassium and soluble fiber in guava can improve heart health.

A study shows, people who regularly eat guava fruit before eating, their blood pressure and bad cholesterol drop by 9.9%.

In addition, eating guava can increase good cholesterol in the body by up to eight percent. Seeing the effects of blood pressure and bad cholesterol which are risk factors for heart disease, regular consumption of guava is beneficial for heart health.

2. Healthy digestion

Guava is a good source of water soluble dietary fiber. Regularly consuming guava, can help smooth bowel movements and prevent constipation.

Eating one guava fruit can meet 12 percent of daily fiber needs. Apart from guava fruit, guava leaves can also help digestive health.

Studies show that consumption of guava leaves can reduce the intensity and duration of diarrhea. According to research, seed leaves are antimicrobial, so they can neutralize the microbes that cause diarrhea in the intestines.

3. Helps reduce weight

Guava is a friendly food for people who are undergoing a diet and weight loss program. Calories in one guava fruit only 37 kcal.

While eating one guava fruit can meet 12% of daily fiber needs. Those of you who are on a diet program can consume guava as a snack, with a bonus of vitamin and mineral nutrition.

4. Increase endurance

Guava is one of the best sources of vitamin C for need. The content of vitamin C in guava is twice as much as citrus fruits.

Vitamin C is important for maintaining the immune system. People who are deficient in vitamin C are prone to infection and disease. Consuming this vitamin C-rich fruit has been shown to reduce the duration of colds.

In addition, guava is also said to have anti-microbial benefits that are effective against bad bacteria and viruses. (Mahardini Nur Afifah)

Also Read: These are the benefits of bananas for your health

This article was published on Kompas.com with the title “4 Benefits of Guava Fruit for Health, Can Maintain Body Resistance”,