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Wow! Here are the benefits of red ginger for your body's health

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Are you a fan of ginger tea? Now you try to use red ginger when making ginger drink. Just so you know, red ginger drink is rich in good health benefits.

The taste of red ginger is spicier than regular ginger. In addition, the benefits of red ginger for health are numerous because this rhizome plant is often used as a medicinal plant.

Red ginger (Zingiber officinale var. Rubrum) is a plant with red rhizomes and a smaller size than white / yellow ginger (rhino ginger).

Red ginger can usually only be harvested when it is old, while regular ginger can be enjoyed when it is young or old.
When red ginger is ripe or old, this plant contains more essential oils than regular ginger. This is what makes red ginger taste spicier than regular ginger.

Benefits of red ginger for health Because it has been widely used as traditional medicine, don’t be surprised if red ginger contains various health benefits.

Research has shown that the health benefits of red ginger are carminative, anti-vomiting, seizure reliever, anti-hardening of the blood vessels, sweating, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and parasitic, antipyretic, anti-rheumatic, and stimulating the excretion of gastric juices and bile.

Red ginger is most often processed into a drink that can warm the body during rainy weather. However, there are other health benefits of red ginger that we can feel, here are some of them:

Has anti-inflammatory properties

The anti-inflammatory effect of ginger is due to the ingredients in it, namely gingerol, gingerdione, and zingeron which inhibit prostaglandins which are inflammatory mediators.

This effect is the same as the anti-inflammatory effect of mefenamic acid and ibuprofen, which are a class of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
Overcoming symptoms of osteoarthritis

Another study conducted in Iran and the United States proved that ginger has the same effect as ibuprofen in treating osteoarthritis symptoms, including pain. Consumption of red ginger is proven to reduce pain in the knee because this plant is anti-inflammatory.

Improve sexual arousal

Red ginger is known as a traditional medicine which is often used to improve sexual dysfunction.

Based on research conducted by the Faculty of Pharmacy, Gadjah Mada University, red ginger which is processed into essential oil can indeed act as an aphrodisiac by increasing a person’s libido, although the effect is not as great as pegs on earth.

Increase male fertility

To get the benefits of red ginger, you must also combine it with the consumption of supplements that contain zinc.

Red ginger water plus zinc supplements have been shown to improve testicular function, including stimulating sperm production.

Reduces morning sickness

Drinking boiled red ginger water has long been known to relieve nausea, whether caused by seasickness, postoperative, or chemotherapy.

A study also shows that ginger water is effective in relieving nausea in pregnant women in the first trimester morning sickness.

However, pregnant women should consult their doctor before drinking too much ginger water.

Some people believe that consuming ginger water during early pregnancy can cause miscarriage, although this claim has no scientific basis yet. (Wisnubrata)

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This article was published on Kompas.com with the title “Can Increase Libido, These Are 5 Benefits of Red Ginger for Health”,