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This is a myriad of benefits of swimming for the body

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Swimming is one type of sport that has many benefits. The calories burned after swimming for an hour are almost the same as running. You can get other swimming benefits in this article when you do it regularly.

Strengthens Organs in the Body

All parts of the muscles are used when swimming. Healthline (helathline.com) says that your cardiovascular system is also trained when you swim. This causes the organs in the body, such as the heart and lungs to become stronger and healthier.

In addition, research results show that swimming can lower blood pressure and control blood sugar in the body. The researchers also said that swimming can reduce a person’s risk of death.

Suitable for people with arthritis

Arthritis is a condition in which the joints become inflamed so that the sufferer can find it difficult to carry out activities. However, swimming can be a safe choice of exercise.

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Not only arthritis sufferers, someone who has an accident can also try swimming. One of the benefits of swimming is that it can speed up the healing process and reduce the pain you feel due to an accident.

Can Be Done by Asthma Sufferers

Apart from being suitable for arthritis sufferers, swimming can also be done by asthmatics regularly. This is because swimming is a breathing exercise. By holding your breath while swimming, your lung capacity will expand so you can control your breathing better.

However, several studies suggest that swimming can increase the risk of asthma because of the chemicals in the pool. So, before swimming regularly, it’s a good idea to consult a doctor first.

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Improve Sleep Quality

Are you having trouble sleeping? If so, try to swim regularly. Quoting from Healthline, the quality of life and sleep quality of adults with insomnia get better after regular aerobic exercise. One type of aerobic exercise is swimming.

Improve Mood

Another benefit of swimming that you can feel is a more stable mood. The researchers analyzed a small group of people with dementia. As a result, their mood became better after swimming regularly for 12 weeks. The same is true of someone who is not suffering from dementia.

Editor: Belladina Biananda