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This gives huge benefits for 600 hectares of rice fields

JAKARTA, iNews.id – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) inaugurated the Tukul Dam in Tukul Village, Pacitan, East Java (East Java). He hopes that the dam can provide benefits to the local community.

“By saying Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Tukul Dam in Pacitan Regency, East Java, I will inaugurate it today,” Jokowi said in a press conference published on the official YouTube account of the Presidential Secretariat, Sunday (14/2/2021).

After that, Jokowi pressed the siren button as a symbol of the active inauguration of the dam as well as signing the Tukul Dam inscription.

Jokowi said that the dam has a very important role in controlling flooding, irrigating rice fields or irrigation and providing raw water as much as 300 liters per second.

“This dam can provide enormous benefits, namely 600 hectares of rice fields so that it will increase the cropping index, from the usual one time, one rice planting, and one secondary crop planting to two rice crops and one palawija crop. God willing, it can be seen and done, “said Jokowi.

Editor: Faieq Hidayat