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The Special Autonomy Fund has many benefits, the provincial government should socialize it

ILLUSTRATION. A number of residents line up to get basic food assistance from the Papua Provincial Government

Reporter: Yudho Winarto | Editor: Yudho Winarto

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. The Papua Special Autonomy Policy (Otsus) has provided tremendous benefits for the Papuan people. The policies implemented in accordance with Law Number 21 of 2001 have reached Rp. 126 trillion in terms of budget. This is proof of the Central Government’s commitment to accelerate Papua’s development, in terms of human resources and infrastructure.

Deputy Regent of Asmat, Thomas Eppe Safanpo, explained that many Papuan students received scholarships from the Special Autonomy fund. Then Papuan youths who have successfully entered the police service are also soldiers, from the perspective of the education costs, the special autonomy funds.

In fact, various customary institutions and religious institutions in Papua actually enjoy special autonomy funds. So, if there is a rejection from the recipient of the special autonomy fund, it is clearly unfair and wrong.

Also Read: Regions need to do an evaluation of Otsus so that the Papuan people are more prosperous

Unfortunately, these various advantages are not well socialized by the provincial government. Although there are still shortcomings, in the 20 years period until now, the presence of Otsus has provided enormous benefits which are focused on four priority programs.

For example, aspects of education, health, infrastructure, to community economic empowerment. This is proof that the Central Government’s attention to Papua is so great.

Because of that, he asked the provincial governments of Papua and West Papua to be more open, to share the data about the benefits of the Special Autonomy fund and what to use it for.

“I ask the provincial governments of Papua and West Papua to open data. Regarding the refusal of special autonomy, the regional government seems silent, making the situation seem to force the central government to face the Papuan people directly, “said Thomas Eppe in his statement through a webinar discussion, Who is Special Autonomy for Papua? Thursday (22/10/2020).

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