The conversion of BBM to BBG is considered to be beneficial for many parties
ILLUSTRATION. Officers inspect the engine of a gas-fired boat assisted by PT Pertamina (Persero) before it is distributed to fishermen at the Morodemak Beach Fishing Port in Demak, Central Java, Thursday (7/9). To carry out the conversion program of fuel oil (BBM) to
Reporter: Dimas Andi | Editor: Khomarul Hidayat
KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. The conversion of fuel oil (BBM) to gas fuel (BBG) has been carried out several years ago for fishermen and farmers. This is because these industry players are aware of the many benefits of using BBG for operational activities.
Marketing Director of the Commercial & Trading Sub-holding of PT Patra Niaga Jumali said that there are many benefits to all parties if the conversion of BBM to BBG for fishermen and farmers is carried out well.
For PT Pertamina (Persero), the conversion of BBM to BBG will ease the burden on supplying fossil energy. This is considering that BBG is also known to be environmentally friendly. Pertamina will also feel the impact of efficiency because LPG subsidies are classified as lower.
Also Read: ESDM signed the implementation of the conversion of BBM to BBG for fishermen and farmers for Rp 290 billion
“Conversion fuel Going to LPG has many meanings, because many are involved and the benefits are enormous, ”he said in a press release on Pertamina’s website, Thursday (6/8).
For users such as fishermen and farmers the benefits are the same. First, fishermen and farmers will feel price efficiency. This is because the price of LPG is cheaper than fuel. Second, the risks posed by LPG are less.
“We hope that the conversion activity will provide many benefits. Pertamina is ready to run because this is part of an assignment from the government, ”explained Jumali.
Likewise, Plt. The Director General of Oil and Gas of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ego Syahrial, said that this program has been awaited by the regional governments of the distribution areas because the benefits have been felt directly.
“Based on testimonies, the direct benefits felt by fishermen and target farmers are the reduced fuel operating costs by about 50% and easier maintenance of the engine,” said Ego.
Also Read: This is a comparison of the price of non-subsidized fuel in August at a number of gas stations
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