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The benefits of vitamin E and the risks that you need to avoid

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Vitamin E is one of the important vitamins that the body needs. The best way to reap the benefits of vitamin E is to eat nutritious foods. Taking supplements can actually make the body excess vitamin E so it is not good for health.

You can get the benefits of vitamin E by eating several types of food. Starting from nuts, such as almonds, and vegetable oil. Quoting from Live Science (livescience.com), sunflower seeds and green vegetables, such as spinach or broccoli, are also rich in vitamin E.

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Still from the same page, the National Institute of Health states that someone over 14 years of age needs 15 mg of vitamin E. Breastfeeding women need a higher amount of vitamin E, which is 19 mg.

Live Science states that the condition of a person’s body who is deficient in vitamin E is rare. Usually, vitamin E deficiency is experienced by infants, fat malabsorption, and abetalipoproteinemia (a condition that prevents the body from absorbing certain types of fat).

You eat enough nutritious food to get the benefits of vitamin E. You don’t need to take additional supplements. If you really want or have to consume it, consult your doctor first to avoid unwanted things.

Benefits of Vitamin E

Vitamin E functions as the main antioxidant which keeps cells from being damaged by free radicals. Live Science also states that the benefits of vitamin E are to reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and even dementia.

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As a powerful antioxidant, vitamin E can fight infection by activating the body’s immune system. Not only that, the benefits of vitamin E can also be used to treat vision.

Vitamin E Risks

Besides getting the benefits of vitamin E, you also need to be aware of the risks. As has been said, taking additional vitamin E supplements can cause problems, such as diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, and other problems.

Vitamin E is stored in the body and cannot be excreted through urine. If present in the body in large amounts, vitamin E can actually turn into a dangerous poison. Too much vitamin E supplements can cause bleeding, fatigue, and so on.

Editor: Belladina Biananda