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The benefits of sunflower seeds for body health that you must understand

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Sunflower seeds are not just any snack. This is the benefit of consuming sunflower seeds for your health.

Sunflower seeds or kwaci are often used as a snack while watching television or just hanging out with friends. The savory and crunchy taste of kwaci makes it difficult for us to stop eating it.

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But in all goodness, sunflower seeds actually contain various nutrients and minerals needed by the body.

Nutrients in sunflower seeds

Launching the Healthline page, sunflower seeds are rich in protein, healthy fats and fiber. One ounce of Mataahri seeds usually contains the following nutrients:

  • 165 calories
  • 14 grams of total fat
  • 3 grams of monounsaturated fat
  • 9 grams of polyunsaturated fat
  • 1.5 grams of saturated fat
  • 7 grams of carbohydrates
  • 3 grams of fiber
  • 5.5 grams of protein.

Sunflower seeds also contain about 21 essential vitamins and minerals. These seeds are also rich in vitamin E, which is about 41% of the total daily recommendation.

Sunflower seeds are high in fat and calorie dense. However, the types of fat contained in it are healthy fats that are good for heart health.

Benefits of sunflower seeds

Due to their high nutritional content, sunflower seeds also contain many health benefits. These are the benefits:

1. Lose weight

The main nutrients in sunflower seeds are fat, protein and fiber.
These nutrients have been shown to help increase satiety, thereby suppressing appetite. That is why, consuming sunflower seeds as a snack can help with weight loss programs.

2. Increase muscle mass

10 grams of sunflower seeds contain about two grams of protein. Due to their high protein content, consuming sunflower seeds also helps increase muscle mass.

You can combine this healthy snack into a diet menu such as salads to increase protein intake.

3. Prevent inflammation

The content of vitamin E in sunflower seeds helps reduce levels of reactive protein C. Reactive protein C is a marker of inflammation in the body.

Apart from that, the flavonoids in sunflower seeds also help reduce inflammation.

4. Maintain heart health

The magnesium in sun seeds can block an enzyme that causes blood vessels to constrict. As a result, blood vessels relax and blood pressure also decreases.

In addition, sunflower seeds are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, especially linoleic acid. Linoleic acid has been proven in various studies to reduce heart disease and lower blood cholesterol levels. (Ariska Puspita Anggraini)

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This article was published on Kompas.com with the title “Not only delicious, sunflower seeds also have health benefits”