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Real Benefits of the Basic Food Card Program, Following are the People Who Have the Right to Receive it

PR BEKASI – The Basic Food Card Program is a social assistance program channeled by the Government and provided to Beneficiary Families (KPM) via electronic money.

This can be felt by KPM every month and can be used to buy predetermined food needs.

Regarding the place of purchase is at Warung Gotong Royong Electronics (e-Warong), as quoted Pikiranrakyat-Bekasi.com from a twitter upload @emensosRI Tuesday, January 26, 2021.

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Meanwhile, regarding who is entitled to receive this social assistance program, namely families with the lowest economic conditions.

Especially those in areas according to a predetermined ceiling and have been included in the List of Program Beneficiaries (DPM) of the Basic Food Card.

This list is of course obtained from the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS).

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This basic food card was originally referred to as Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT).