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Kadin explained what Indonesia must do to get the benefits of RCEP

ILLUSTRATION. Kadin explained what Indonesia must do to get the benefits of RCEP.

Reporter: Lidya Yuniartha | Editor: Noverius Laoli

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) was signed on Sunday (15/11).

Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Shinta Kamdani said that the RCEP was an opportunity for Indonesia to increase exports and attract investment. to increase the competitiveness of the national economy in the region.

Even so, Shinta said that Indonesia still needed to do various things so that the benefits of RCEP could be obtained by Indonesia. The reason is, the benefits of RCEP can also be obtained by all RCEP countries, including Indonesia’s main competitor countries.

“Only countries that want to be open to progress, be more productive, more efficient and more competitive and want to spur themselves to be more aggressive in using RCEP that will get the most from this agreement,” said Shinta to Kontan, Sunday (15/11).

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According to him, in order to attract investment to Indonesia, Indonesia needs to do homework, namely reforming policies and reforming the domestic bureaucracy.

According to him, this is to ensure that the business and investment climate in Indonesia has the same attractiveness and even higher than other countries.

Apart from the investment side, to get benefits from the trade side, Shinta believes that Indonesia must be more careful in using RCEP as a benchmark for efforts to improve the domestic supply chain and increase national productivity.

“It must be seen which sectors need to be facilitated in increasing their productivity and trade competitiveness,” explained Shinta.

Also Read: RCEP was signed, this is the benefit that can be obtained by Indonesia

According to him, there must be efforts so that the business climate in this sector can be improved more efficiently and more attractively so that investment from RCEP can be directed to that sector. In fact, Indonesia also has to see which export products are more competitive to trade in the region.

“We have to prepare export products with standards and prices that can compete with other countries,” said Shinta.

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