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Get to know the types and benefits of the Covid-19 vaccine

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. The development of the Covid-19 vaccine continues to be carried out by various companies in a number of countries. This is done to reduce the rate of transmission of the Corona virus so that the pandemic can end at a later date.

For your information, the Indonesian government through the Decree of the Minister of Health Number HK01.07 / Menkes / 9860/2020 stipulates six types of vaccines for Covid-19 vaccination in Indonesia, among others, produced by PT Bio Farma (Persero), Astra Zeneca, China National Pharmaceutical Group Corporation ( Sinopharm), Moderna, Pfizer Inc & BioNTech, and Sinovac Biotech Ltd.

Spokesperson for Covid-19 Vaccination from the Ministry of Health, Siti Nadia Tarmizi, explained that the Covid-19 vaccine was developed in various ways. There are vaccines made from attenuated viruses and there are also vaccines based on DNA or mRNA.

Especially for mRNA or Messenger RNA-based vaccines, this vaccine is made by utilizing genetic material that carries instructions for cells to produce proteins through a transition stage.

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The Covid-19 vaccines from Pfizer and BioNTech are examples of vaccines based on mRNA. This vaccine has an efficacy rate of up to 95% based on the results of phase-3 clinical trials. The mRNA-based Covid-19 vaccine is also made by Moderna with an efficacy rate of 94.1%.

“The way the vaccine works is basically the same, only the materials used are different,” Nadia added, Sunday (27/12).

He said, according to the results of phase three clinical trials and the results of scientific publications, it was determined who could receive the Covid-19 vaccine.

At present, vaccine recipients are residents aged 18–59 years as well as residents who are neither pregnant nor breastfeeding. People with certain comorbidities can also get vaccines, but they must be well controlled.

“Until now, whether Covid-19 survivors will receive the vaccine or not is still being studied in accordance with the data from stage three clinical trials,” said Nadia.

According to him, the Covid-19 vaccine has three benefits. Among them are giving immunity to each individual who is vaccinated directly, giving immunity to the group if many people are vaccinated, and providing protection to people who have not received the vaccine or have not been the target group for vaccination.

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Furthermore, the emergence of a new variant of the Covid-19 virus originating from the UK deserves a close look. Nadia admitted that until now there had not been sufficient scientific studies related to the impact of mutations or new variants of the Covid-19 virus.

As a result, it cannot be concluded that the vaccine being developed will be effective against the Covid-19 virus variant or not. “There is not enough scientific study to declare this vaccine effective or ineffective,” he said.