Find Answers to Questions in Class 4 Theme 7 Sub-theme 3: What are the Benefits of Magnetic Force and Gravity?

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Find Answers to Questions in Class 4 Theme 7 Sub-theme 3: What are the Benefits of Magnetic Force and Gravity? – In grade 4 elementary school material, theme 7, sub-theme 3, friends learn about magnetic and gravitational forces. One of them is about the benefits of magnetic force and the benefits of gravity.
Take a look around you, are there any examples of the benefits of magnetic force and gravitational force?
Come on, we are both looking for the key to the answer about the benefits of magnetic force and gravity!
Also read: A complete explanation of the meaning of force and motion, the properties of force, and types of force and examples
Explanation of Magnetic Force and Gravitational Force
There are many kinds of force, including magnetic force and gravitational force.
Magnetic force is the attractive and repulsive force generated by magnets.
When there are two magnets that are brought close and interact with each other, it will cause a magnetic force.
So, a magnetic force is generated when two or more magnets interact with each other.
What about gravity?
The force of gravity is the force caused by the attractive force generated by the Earth.
The existence of the gravitational force makes objects on the Earth’s surface always attracted towards Earth.
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Examples of using magnetic force
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What Are the Benefits of Magnetic Force?
In everyday life, the magnetic force can be used for various things.
One of the benefits of the magnetic force is to make a compass for direction.
The compass has a needle-shaped magnet. When placed horizontally, the compass needle will point north and south.
In addition, the magnetic force is also used to lift iron objects, such as junk or nails on the road.
Magnetic forces can also be used to attract or lift metal objects other than iron, namely steel, nickel and cobalt.
The use of magnetic forces is also on refrigerator doors, maglev trains, MRI medical equipment (magnetic resonance imagers), and loudspeakers in electronic equipment.
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An example of an event showing the force of gravity: a fruit from a tree falls to the ground
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What Are the Benefits of Gravity?
An example of an everyday event that shows the force of gravity is a ripe fruit falling from a tree onto the ground.
The force of gravity is useful for holding objects and people on the Earth’s surface.
If there was no gravitational force, all objects on the Earth’s surface could float into space.
With the force of gravity, the objects we throw up will return to the ground, friends.
The force of gravity also causes the planets in the Solar System to move in balance according to their respective paths and places.
Also read: What happens if there is no gravity on Earth? Check out the explanation in this video!
Source: Integrated Thematic Book 2013 Curriculum Class IV Theme 7, 2016 Revised Edition and
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