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Collaborating with sanofi, axa offers the benefits of vaccines

Reporter: Tendi Mahadi | Editor: Hendra Gunawan

JAKARTA. Axa Mandiri and Axa Indonesia are partnering with vaccine producer PT Sanofi Pasteur to offer additional benefits to their customers. This additional benefit targets corporate customers to reduce the potential for reduced employee productivity due to flu and typhus.

Chief Marketing Officer of Axa Indonesia Emmanuel Wehry said, from this additional benefit, they are eyeing a hundred thousand customers. Both for renewal policies and new policies.

“I can’t say the proportions, but we want the majority of the new policies,” he said, Tuesday (3/2).

For corporate customers, he said, the premium depends on business to business negotiations. So that he cannot confirm the number of new policies or premiums that can be obtained from this segment.

But not only targeting the group segment, similar benefits are also offered to individual customers. According to Emmanuel, each individual customer who extends the policy can get this additional benefit as an incentive. It’s just that, for individual customers the free vaccine is only for typhoid.

In addition, individual customers can get vaccines from the Apotik K-24 network that has collaborated with Axa. “For individual customers, we are targeting this program to reach 20,000 renewal customers,” he said.

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