Benefits of Letting Children Make Their Own Decisions

If all this time Mama has always made decisions for your little one, this time try to hold back a little from deciding anything for her. Let your little one make decisions for himself, because this is a provision to make him more confident.
Initially it might not be easy to ask your little one to decide something. As the story of Deviana who lives in Bekasi, “Every time I ask Darren making a choice, I had to force myself to be patient for at least half an hour. Darren once stood silently in a toy store for half an hour, confused between a robot with glowing eyes or a robot that could kick a ball. I almost lost my temper saying, ‘Pick one quickly!’ ”
Many kids will behave like Darren when he is asked to decide something. “It’s normal for children aged 5-6 years, when they are asked to make decisions about certain things, like choosing which vegetables to eat, choosing toys, choosing ice cream flavors, etc.,” he said. Tamar Chansky, Ph.D., child psychologist and author of the book Freeing Your Child From Anxiety. The cause is the child’s lack of experience. “So far, parents make most of the decisions for their children. Now, when these children go to school, their world gets bigger, and there are more opportunities for them to make choices. This is what often confuses children. , “he said.
Learning to make their own choices will help children become more independent, responsible, and confident. That is why the ability to make decisions is an important skill that must be taught to children immediately. If you are like Mama Darren who is often impatient, read articles 5 Ways to Teach Children to Make Decisions to help your little one get better at saying, “I want this one!”
Photo: Pixabay