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A row of vitamin B12 benefits for the health of your body

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. The production of red blood cells in the body is also assisted by vitamin B12. Of course because of that there are many benefits of vitamin B12 that you can feel. You need to maintain your body’s condition so you don’t have a vitamin B12 deficit to avoid unwanted diseases, such as anemia.

There are many foods that can provide vitamin B12 benefits. Starting from beef, tuna, milk, salmon, yogurt, and so on. Apart from preventing anemia, there are many more benefits of vitamin B12 that you can feel.

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Increase Energy and Vitality

Launch from Best Health (besthealthmag.ca), the benefits of vitamin B12 is to increase energy and vitality. If you feel tired and fatigued often, it’s a good idea to get your vitamin B12 levels checked by your doctor. If you are indeed deficient in vitamin B12, then it’s time for you to eat foods that are rich in vitamin B12.

Improve Heart Health

Best Health says that the benefits of vitamin B12 for heart health are often overlooked. In fact, vitamin B12 works together with vitamin B6 and folic acid to reduce homocysteine.

Homocysteine ​​is a protein that can build up in the blood and disrupt the artery walls, causing heart disease. When you are deficient in vitamin B12, this type of vitamin cannot function normally, thus endangering heart health.

Editor: Belladina Biananda