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7 Benefits of Coconut Water for Beauty, Don't Underestimate it

1. Hydrating Skin

The first benefit of coconut water for the skin is that it can hydrate the skin. Have you ever felt the skin of your feet and hands feels more dry than your face? If so, it is possible that your skin is dehydrated.

Apart from drinking lots of water, you can consume coconut water because it contains vitamin C which can nourish your skin condition. For optimal results, also help by limiting the duration of bathing with hot water too long. Limit it to 5-10 minutes.

In addition, you should also use sunscreen and avoid direct sun exposure. Don’t forget to use a moisturizer after showering, because damp skin will lock in the lotion or cream longer than using it when the skin is completely dry.

2. Provide Energy for the Skin

One of the benefits of coconut water for the skin is that it can provide energy for the skin. If you are on a diet that avoids carbohydrate intake, you should be more careful. The reason is, not getting enough carbohydrates can affect the structure and appearance of the skin.

However, one cup of coconut water contains 10 grams of carbohydrates. When consumed, these carbohydrates will be converted into glucose by the body through metabolic processes in the digestive tract. So if you consume coconut water, the skin structure will gradually improve.

3. Maintain and Protect Skin Elasticity

As has been said above, coconut water contains a lot of vitamin C. Meanwhile, the body needs sufficient vitamin C intake to produce collagen and antioxidants in order to ward off free radicals.

So, drinking coconut water can help meet your daily vitamin C needs and your skin will receive the benefits.

If you don’t like the sour taste that vitamin C-containing fruit usually brings, coconut water can be a refreshing alternative.