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4 Health benefits of radishes, contain lots of vitamin C

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Radishes contain many nutrients that the body needs to stay healthy. Starting from fiber, vitamin C, antioxidants, and minerals and other vitamins. Some of the benefits of radishes that you can get include controlling blood pressure, increasing endurance, and maintaining healthy skin.

NDTV Food (food.ndtv.com) says that radishes are high in fiber. This means that eating radishes regularly with the right portion can maintain the health of your digestive system.

Apart from containing fiber, radishes are also rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, magnesium, iron, and others. This content allows the body to stay healthy and be able to avoid various kinds of health problems.

Maintain Heart Health

One of the benefits of radish is that it is useful for maintaining the health of your heart. Radishes contain anthocyanins that can make the heart work normally and optimally. In addition, radishes also have lots of flavonoids and folic acid so that their effect on the heart is maximized.

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By consuming radishes regularly, not only does it make the heart work normally, but the risk of heart disease decreases. Especially if you do other healthy lifestyles, such as avoiding alcohol and cigarettes, exercising diligently, and eating other nutritious foods.

Controlling Blood Pressure

For people with hypertension or high blood pressure, try to eat radishes regularly. The potassium content in radishes can lower and stabilize your blood pressure. In addition, blood flow also becomes smoother.

Increase Endurance

As has been said, turnips are high in vitamin C. This shows that these food sources can increase your immune system. When the immune system is strong, the risk of getting diseases, such as colds, coughs, and fevers, can decrease.

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Not only increases endurance, Food NDTV says that radishes are also able to fight free radicals and prevent the appearance of signs of aging. To get the benefits of these radishes, try to consume them regularly.

Maintain Healthy Skin and Hair

If you experience a lot of skin problems, such as blackheads, dull face, and acne, it’s good to treat them with turnips. The same goes for your hair problem. By using radishes, dandruff and hair loss can be resolved.

Editor: Belladina Biananda