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4 Benefits of hazelnut oil for skin health

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. There are many benefits of hazelnut oil that you can get. This is due to the many nutrients contained in it. Some of the nutrients referred to are polyunsaturated acid, monounsaturated acid, vitamin C, antioxidants, vitamin D, and vitamin E.

In general, candlenut can increase the body’s immune system. This means that your body’s risk of disease will be smaller. However, the benefits of candlenut don’t stop there. When processed into oil and used on the skin, there are more benefits that you can feel.

Island Essence (islandessence.com) says that hazelnut oil is suitable for treating cuts and bruises on the skin. Not only accelerates the healing process, candlenut oil is also able to reduce pain. In addition, there are other benefits of hazelnut oil, such as the following.

Natural Moisturizer

Do you have dry skin type? If so, then you can use hazelnut oil as a moisturizer. Not only on hands, dry skin on other parts of the body can also be treated with this type of oil.

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If you don’t treat dry skin quickly and appropriately, more severe skin problems can occur, such as an infection that causes pain. Apart from moisturizing the skin, hazelnut oil is also beneficial for nail cuticles so that it will look healthier and more beautiful.

Reduces Wrinkles

Quoting from Island Essence, hazelnut oil can also be used to remove wrinkles on the face. The large number of antioxidants contained in hazelnut makes this type of oil suitable for removing signs of aging.

Candlenut oil will stimulate collagen production and clean dead skin cells so that new skin cells have more room to grow. In addition, hazelnut oil is also useful for disguising stretch marks due to pregnancy or weight changes.

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Relieves Inflammation

The fatty acids from hazelnut oil are easily absorbed in human skin. Therefore, many people use this oil in the body massage process. When absorbed, the benefits of hazelnut oil can effectively treat sore muscles and joints, making it suitable for arthritis sufferers.

Pain Relief

Island Essence says that hazelnut oil can also act as an analgesic or pain reliever. For those of you who have just had surgery or an accident, hazelnut oil can be used to relieve pain. In addition, this oil is also useful for treating burns.

Editor: Belladina Biananda