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Beneficiary families are grateful that PKH is disbursed on time

PKH money can be used to buy rice, eggs or fish

Jakarta (ANTARA) – Beneficiary Families (KPM) of the Family Hope Program (PKH) are grateful for the cash assistance provided by the government on time so that it can meet food and school needs during the pandemic.

As stated by Irmi Yusnita (43), who lives in Menteng District, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, he welcomed the distribution.

“Hopefully the distribution to the public will run smoothly and the COVID-19 will finish quickly so I can trade again,” he said.

Irmi admitted that since the COVID-19 pandemic, he has relied heavily on fulfilling his daily needs on government assistance. He is grateful to have received PKH and the Basic Food Program.

“Alhamdulillah, our lives have been helped by these two aids. Every month we can buy rice with a basic food card. Every three months we can buy children’s school needs with PKH money,” he said.

Irmi said that before the pandemic, he was selling nasi uduk and nasi ulam in front of his brother’s house where he and his family lived.

“Since there was COVID-19 I was forced to close. If in the past I could earn Rp. 300 thousand – Rp. 500 thousand per day, now it’s very difficult. Prices of chilies, fish, eggs in the market are increasing. If I increase the price of packaged rice, no one will buy it. , “he said.

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KPM PKH from Purwojati District, Banyumas Regency, Siti Soliyah (45) admitted that she was happy that the assistance was disbursed to coincide with the resumption of school.

Even though schools are online and there is already credit assistance from the government, PKH money is still needed to buy daily food needs.

“The name of the children must eat a lot. PKH money can be used to buy rice, eggs or fish. Let us have mediocre conditions, but the nutrition of children must be considered,” said this mother of three children.

Previously, President Joko Widodo launched PKH cash assistance at the State Palace, Jakarta, Monday (4/1).

The government, through the 2021 State Budget, has prepared a total budget of IDR 110 trillion for three types of assistance, namely PKH, Food Packages, and Cash Social Assistance (BST).

For information, PKH is distributed in four stages, namely in January, April, July, October for 10 million KPM through the State Bank Association (HIMBARA) to improve family health, increase children’s education, and reduce family burdens.

Meanwhile, the basic food program is Rp. 200 thousand per month per family for as many as 20 million KPM, and the last is BST of Rp. 300 thousand per month per household which is distributed for four months, from January to April through PT Pos Indonesia.

Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini revealed, starting from the time the President launched cash assistance simultaneously on January 4, 2021, PKH could be disbursed throughout Indonesia.

“At the end of 2020 the entire team at the Ministry of Social Affairs all went to work to prepare cash assistance disbursements and I appreciate their hard work and thorough work so that in early 2021 PKH has been used by the community,” said Risma.

Also read: The government will integrate social assistance programs in various ministries

Also read: PKH social assistance and benefits for the small community

Reporter: Desi Purnamawati
Editor: Zita Meirina