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10 Simple Tempeh Processed Recipes For Everyday Menu

Jakarta – Tempe is included in the daily diet favored by the Indonesian people. This one food seems to have never been absent in every family menu dish.

Apart from its good taste, tempeh is also cheap. Even though it’s simple, tempeh can be processed into a variety of mouth-watering dishes, Mother. Starting from scrambled, bacem tempeh, to mendoan tempeh, these dishes always successfully shake the tongue.

Made from fermented soybeans, tempeh is also rich in nutrients that are good for the body. For example, they contain protein, vitamins, and minerals.

Not only that, tempeh also offers a myriad of benefits for the body, Mother. Eating tempeh can maintain healthy muscle tissue, increase immunity, and various other benefits that are good for the health of your beloved family.

Tempe is also low in calories, so this food can be a good dish for mothers who are on a diet program. The antioxidant and fiber content can increase satiety for longer.

Well, there are many ways to process simple tempeh into special dishes, you know, Mother. Guaranteed your husband and your little one will not get bored if you continue to eat them. Summarized from various sources, here are 10 simple recipes for processed tempeh for the daily menu.

1. The recipe for tempeh mendoan cheese filling


500 grams of wheat flour
1 tablespoon of starch
5 grams of ground coriander seeds
5 garlic cloves, mashed
100 grams of leeks, finely chopped
Enough water
5 grams of salt
2 grams of pepper 2
Flavor according to taste
Tempe, cut into 12 thin pieces
100 grams of grated cheese
Cooking oil

How to make:

1. First of all we make the mendoan dough. Combine all the ingredients except water, salt, pepper, and flavorings.

2. Add water slowly and mix well into a slightly thick liquid mixture.

3. Season with salt, pepper, and flavorings according to taste.

4. Then set aside.

5. Sprinkle grated cheese on a slice of tempeh then cover with another piece of tempeh like a sandwich.

6. Dip in the mixture so that all parts of the tempeh are covered in the dough.

7. Then put in hot oil. Make sure the oil is really hot, Mother.

8. Fry until light brown.

9. Remove and drain. Ready to be served.

10. Enjoy.

2. Tempe pepes recipe


1 slice of tempeh, crushed

1 bunch basil, cut the leaves

2 spring onions, finely sliced

Banana leaves as a wrap

Ground spices:

4 shallots

3 cloves of garlic

5 candlenuts

1 bay leaf in each package

1 teaspoon of seasoning

1 cayenne pepper in each pepes

2 tsp salt

How to make:

1. Mash all the spices, except the bay leaves and chilies.

2. Mix the crushed tempeh with spices. Stir well.

3. Pour two tablespoons of the seasoned tempeh over the banana leaves. Add bay leaves and chilies, then wrap.

4. Moms can use the oven or charcoal to bake pepes.

5. Once cooked and fragrant, Mother can serve it

3. Tempeh steak recipe


70 grams of tempeh, steam 30-45 minutes
Vegetarian meat
Mushrooms, cut into small pieces.
3 tablespoons flour or bread flour

How to make tempeh steak:

1. Crushed steamed tempeh, mixed with vegetarian meat and mushrooms.

2. Add one egg to the crushed tempeh, add a little sugar, salt, and pepper. Mix until blended.

3. Add about 3 tablespoons of flour or bread flour to paste.

4. Print according to your creations, for example the shape of a car.

5. Cover with egg that has been beaten off.

6. Roll into breadcrumbs.

7. Store in the refrigerator for 20-45 minutes.

8. Fry with a little oil or broil over high heat for 20 minutes.

9. Serve with boiled or sauteed rice and vegetables.

4. Savory oatmeal tempeh recipe


8 tablespoons instant oatmeal
520 ml of water
1/4 teaspoon mushroom broth
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
Chili powder to taste
1 tablespoon butter
2 cloves of garlic
50 gr red beans
1/2 avocado
100 gr spinach
1/4 tempe board
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tsp chili sauce
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon ground cumin
2 tsp honey
1 tsp vegetable oil

How to make savory oatmeal tempeh:

1. Cut 1/4 of the tempeh board.

2. Prepare the plates. Add 1 tsp soy sauce, 1 tsp chili sauce, 1 tsp vegetable oil, 2 tsp honey, 1/4 tsp cumin powder, 1/4 tsp garlic powder. Stir until all the powder is evenly mixed.

3. Dip the tempeh into the spices. Then let stand until the spices are absorbed.

4. Prepare Teflon. Give enough oil. Bake the seasoned tempeh until cooked. Remove and set aside.

5. Prepare the pan. Add 520 ml of water, 8 tablespoons of instant oatmeal, 1/4 tsp of mushroom broth, salt, pepper, and chili powder to taste. Cook until thickened. Once cooked, remove and set aside.

6. Prepare Teflon. Add 1 tablespoon butter, two cloves of chopped garlic. Saute until fragrant. Enter 100 grams of spinach, 50 grams of red beans that have been boiled. Give enough pepper. Stir until cooked.

7. Cut the avocado in half.

8. Prepare a serving bowl. Add the oatmeal, spinach, sauteed red beans, roasted tempeh, chopped avocado. Top it with parsley and cherry tomatoes.

5. Spicy tempeh orek recipe


500 grams of tempeh
3 tbsp oil for sauteing
100 ml of water
4 garlic cloves, puree
8 red chilies, puree
1 tbsp Javanese tamarind solution
2 bay leaves
1 lemongrass, crushed
1 cm galangal, crushed
2 tablespoons brown sugar, thinly sliced
1 teaspoon salt
Right amount of oil

How to make spicy tempeh orek:

1. First of all dice the tempeh, fry until it’s a little dry, Mother. Remove then drain.

2. After that, saute the garlic and red chilies that have been mashed until fragrant. Enter water and acid solution, bay leaves, galangal, brown sugar, and salt. Cook it until it boils, Mother.

3. Pour the fried tempeh into it. Stir until the spices are absorbed and dry.

4. Spicy tempeh orek ready to be served with the family. Eat while it’s warm, Mother.

Click READ NEXT PAGE yes, Mother.

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See also the video for the katsudon tempeh recipe:

[Gambas:Video Haibunda]

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