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Without Chemical Potion, You Can Have Your Dream Hair

KOMPAS.com – Who doesn’t want to have beautiful hair? Most women like it if they have beautiful and long hair that curls beautifully. But, unfortunately not all women are able to care for their hair properly. Dust, pollution and sunshine can cause some unimaginable damage to your hair. This results in hair loss and limits hair growth.

To treat this problem, most of us do hair care, which mostly uses chemical products. Various serums and shampoo offers solutions to solve your hair problems. But you have to be aware that chemicals can also cause excess damage to your hair.

So, the easiest solution to reduce the use of chemical products on hair is to use natural herbal treatments. The herbal treatment will not only promote hair growth, but will also improve the quality of your hair. Herbs are also a good choice for those with sensitive scalps.

Here are some herbal treatments that can help your hair grow:

Rosemary can make your hair shine, eradicate dandruff and control hair loss. You can enter rosemary in your diet or simply by boiling the leaves rosemary in plain water for about 10 minutes, then wait for it to cool. Remove the leaves and pour the cooled boiled water and apply it all over your hair. Then rinse with cold water.

This plant has a beautiful smell and has many healing properties. Chamomile can be used to rinse hair after washing hair. It also helps reduce dandruff on the scalp.

Horsetail (Ponytail)
This herb can be mixed in a tea drink or it can be mixed in shampoo. Horsetail is found to be a great herb to aid hair growth.

Nettle (a type of plant) generally grows in the wild. Soak fresh leaves in olive oil in a glass bottle. Store in a cool, dark place for about 2-3 weeks. Use this oil to massage your scalp. This can reduce thinning of hair and promote hair growth.

Burdock (plant type)
This oil derived from Burdock root is very beneficial in restoring hair. It promotes healthy hair growth and improves blood circulation in the hair follicles.

Well, there is nothing wrong if you start treating your hair using herbal ingredients. Feel for yourself the benefits and properties.