Burdock root for acne removal tips
Burdock root for acne removal tips
Burdock, also known as Lappa or Niu Bang Zi, is one of the most well-known detox herbs used in Western and Chinese herbal medicine. First and foremost recommended as a blood purifier, burdock cleanses the body of bile and removes toxins that can lead to chronic skin conditions. Although additional research is needed to confirm burdock’s effectiveness in the treatment of skin problems, it has a longstanding reputation as a popular remedy for boils, abscesses and acne.
Burdock is a relative of the daisy. It reaches three to four feet in height and wears large wavy leaves and purple flower heads attached to clothes and feathers. Native to Asia and Europe, burdock is now widely used in the United States. The gray-red seeds are harvested in the summer when the deep black roots of the biennial plant are found for medicinal purposes.
Burdock has a long history of purifying the body’s waste and congestion of the circulatory, lymphatic, respiratory and urinary tracts. European and Chinese herbalists have used burdock root and fruit for centuries to treat skin diseases, especially if toxicity is a key factor, such as eczema, psoriasis, local skin infections and acne.
Europeans use burdock root oil extract to increase the firmness and shine of hair and to treat itchy scalp, dandruff and hair loss. The University of Maryland Medical Center reports that practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine use burdock to treat sore throats and colds. In addition, some Europeans and Japanese consume burdock as a vegetable to improve digestion.
benefits of Burdock root for tips on getting rid of acne
According to the Health911.com website, “Burdock Herbs is effective in treating acne and is the most important ingredient for treating all forms of chronic skin problems.” A 1967 report in the book “Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine” research in Germany found that burdock root contains polyacetylenes, anti-fungal and antibiotic properties, which crack helps fight acne-causing bacteria and fungi that infect the skin. Its diuretic action helps to remove impurities throughout the digestive system, rather than the skin, where toxins can cause infection.
The herb offers invaluable benefits with both inflamed and inflamed pimples. The HerbalLegacy.com website adds, “The beneficial effects of this herb include increased blood flow to the skin, which helps detoxify skin tissue.”
dosage of Burdock root for acne removal tips
Although safety and efficacy have not been confirmed, herbalists recommend prescribing 1 to 2 g in capsules three times daily, according to the “Prescription for Herbal Healing.” You can also make tea with 2 tablespoons. dried burdock root and 5 tbsp. Dandelion root. Drink a cup of pimples twice a day.
Pregnant and nursing women should avoid burdock, as large amounts can stimulate the uterus and damage the fetus. Don’t use burdock if you have an allergic reaction to daisies, marigolds, chrysanthemums or ragweed.
The University of Maryland Medical Center reports that end-user products are susceptible to contamination by deadly bladder roots or nightshade, two potentially harmful herbs. Buy a well-known burdock brand and don’t reap burdock root in the wild
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