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Benefits of Information Technology in Various Fields, Facilitating Human Life

Benefits of Information Technology in Various Fields, Facilitating Human LifeSmartphone illustration. © densnapdealtvshop

Merdeka.com – The development of information technology today has had a major influence in all aspects of life. It is not only used in education to facilitate teaching and learning activities, but information technology is also used as a business strategy for profit.

According to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions, the use of information technology plays an important role in trade and national economic growth to realize people’s welfare.

In this case, the notion of information technology itself is a technique for collecting, preparing, storing, processing, announcing, analyzing and disseminating information. The benefits of information technology are certainly not free from electronic media such as computers, cellphones, televisions and other devices.

The following is complete information about the benefits of information technology in various fields, to facilitate human life, has been summarized by merdeka.com through coverage6.

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