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5 Benefits of Arab Nuts for Pregnant Women

During pregnancy, some mothers may feel hungry very easily. So you choose to snack between meals. Instead of consuming sweets or packaged chips, why not try replacing them with healthier snacks? Nuts, for example.

One type of legume that is delicious to eat as a snack during pregnancy is chickpeas or in Indonesia it is called chickpeas. These round beans are rich in nutrients, Ma.

Before consuming it, the following Popmama.com reviewed the benefits of chickpeas for pregnant women, reported from MomJunction:

Nutritional Content in Chickpeas

Nutritional Content in Chickpeas


According to United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), one cup or about 164 grams of chickpeas contains approximately:

  • 269 ​​kcal calories,
  • 14.53 grams of protein,
  • 44.97 grams of carbohydrates,
  • 12.5 grams of fiber,
  • 80 mg calcium,
  • 276 mg phosphorus,
  • 7 9mg magnesium,
  • 477mg potassium,
  • 80mg calcium, and
  • 282µg folate

Because of its high nutritional value, chickpeas are one of the recommended foods for pregnant women. Here are some of the benefits of chickpeas for pregnant women:

1. Prevent birth defects

1. Prevent birth defects


Folic acid is indispensable during pregnancy for fetal growth and prevent neural tube defects. The recommended daily intake of folic acid for pregnant women is around 400 mcg. Chickpeas are a natural source of folic acid which is rich in nutrients and should be consumed regularly in the recommended portions.

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2. Prevent gestational diabetes

2. Prevent gestational diabetes


Gestational diabetes is a condition in which a pregnant woman’s blood sugar levels increase during pregnancy. It is important to manage blood sugar levels so that they are always normal for the health of pregnant women and their fetuses. Chickpeas are one of the healthiest snacks recommended for pregnant women who suffer from gestational diabetes. The fiber content is quite high, which is 12 grams of fiber in one cup of chickpeas.

3. Reducing the risk of asthma in the fetus

3. Reducing the risk of fetal asthma


A study found that pregnant women who eat high-fiber foods are less likely to have babies with congenital asthma. With their high fiber content, chickpeas can be a healthy choice for consumption by Mama during pregnancy.

4. Helping fetal growth

4. Helping fetal growth


Protein is the fuel for fetal growth and manages the body’s tissues and muscles. Arabian beans can be an alternative choice of vegetarian protein sources that can be tried for the health of the fetus in the womb. This can be used as a variation in the consumption of protein other than animal meat.

Side Effects of Consuming Chickpeas

Side Effects of Consuming Chickpeas


Despite being rich in nutrients, some people should not eat chickpeas, especially those who:

  • Not intolerant or allergic to nuts
  • Shows symptoms of an allergic reaction, including itching, bloating, breathing problems, headaches, acne breakouts, and fatigue

In the case of diarrhea or other intestinal problems during pregnancy, you should avoid or reduce consumption of fiber-rich foods.

Well, that’s the benefits of chickpeas for pregnant women. Consumption of chickpeas in reasonable amounts during pregnancy for both the health of the mother and the fetus in the womb. However, you should first consult with your obstetrician before consuming it in order to prevent risks that endanger health.

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